ASME B18.18.5M:1998 pdf download

12-15-2022 comment

1.1 Basic Plan Structure
This Standard outlines a Quality Assurance Planfor internally and externally threaded fasteners andaccessories or associated parts. Provisions are includedfor sampling plans,inspection frequencies, control pro-cedures, and record keeping. The basic structure ofthis plan outlines the quality assurance provisions forfasteners manufactured and processed using in-processcontrols. Included are fasteners produced by one manu-facturing practice requiring records of in-process inspection and tests which are maintained by the producer.This Standard will be used in conjunction with otheraccepted standards for product, testing, gaging, andmaterial, and,therefore, those provisions as well aspackaging are not included herein.
1.2 Inspection Levels
The substantial difference in importance to the userof various characteristics and the dissimilar degrees ofcontrol in manufacture make the subjecting of allcharacteristics to the same degree of inspection impractical. Therefore,four inspection levels have been provided.
Any additional characteristics deemed applicable bythe user that do not appear in the plan shall be explicitlydesignated by the user preferably on engineering drawings, related standards, and/or specifications, by theappropriate code letter at the time of ordering (seeAppendix I). To assist in arriving at the most appropriate inspection level, the Decision Table included inAppendix I is recommended for guidance
1.3 Lot Sizes
When the acceptance number for sampling by attributes is fixed, variation in sample size results in variationof acceptable quality. Therefore, to avoid this inconsistency, fixed sample sizes are applied for the greatestrange of lot size. Lot sizes are restricted to a maximumof 250,000 pieces.
1.4 Measuring and Testing Equipment
All measuring instruments, gages, and testing equipment used to inspect and test incoming materials andparts in process shall be permanently marked with aunique identification number. This equipment shall beinspected and calibrated at planned intervals to NationalInstitute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standardsor other equivalent national standards where applicableThe dates of calibration shall be recorded. Inspectionrecords shall be kept for a minimum of five years.
1.5 Basic Plan Outline
The basic plan outline as shown in Fig. 1 is includedto enhance understanding and use.
2.1 Scope
This plan is based on the concept of quality assurancethrough in-process control. It establishes specific inspection functions that must be performed during eachprocess and at each operation involving the productionof fasteners,with the objective of producing finishedfasteners that shall conform to all customer requirementsas specified in engineering drawings, related standardsand/or specifications.
The in-process inspection and testing functions specified in engineering drawings,related standards,and/orspecifications shall be conducted by the person(s) havingdirect responsibility for conducting or monitoring theoperation or process which generates the character.istic(s).
The general plan presents a uniform control procedurethat is intended to be applicable to all important characteristics used in the manufacture of fasteners. Adherenceto the characteristic requirements of this plan doesnot release the contractor from the responsibility ofexercising due care in the production of all partsto ensure that the requirements established for allcharacteristics shown on engineering drawings and re-lated specifications have been met. This plan requires

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