ASME B18.13.1M:1998 pdf download

12-15-2022 comment

1.1 Scope
This Standard covers gencral and dimensional datapertinent to thc various types of screw and captivewashcr asscmblics, othcrwise known as sems, whichare recognized as an American National Standard. (Theword sems is a generic term applicable to screw andwasher assemblies.)
NOTE: The word lock appearing in the names of products in thisStandard is a generic term historically associated with their identifica-tion and is not iniended to impiy an indefinite permanency of fixityin attachments where the fasteners are used.
The inclusion of dimensional data in this Standardis not intended to imply that al! of the products describedherein are stock production items. Consumers shouldconsult with respective suppliers concerning the avail-ability of products.
1.2 Use and Application
The sems covered by this Standard are general pur-pose fasteners intended for mass production and otherassembly operations where speed and convenience areparamount factors. Further attributes of the variouswashers, recognized hercin, are given in detail for eachtype of semns.
1.3 Types of Sems
Included in these specifications are sems comprisedof the following types of screws and wasiiers.(a) Helical Spring Lock Washers and(1) socket head cap screws (see Table 1)(2) hex cap screws (see Tabie i)(3) machine screws (see Table 1)(4) tapping screws (see Tables 1 and 2)(b) Tooth Lock Washers and
(1) machine screws (see Tables 3 and 4)
(2) tapping screws (see Tables 3 and 4)
(3) hex cap screws (see Tabies 3 and 4)(c) Conical Spring Washers and(1) hex cap’ screws (see Table 5)(2) machine screws (see Table 5)
1.4 Screw Heads
The head styles applicable to the various types ofsems shall be as depicted in the illustrafions anddesignated in the tables for each type. Where only theslotted head sems are illustrated, it should be understoodthat this Standard also applies to the correspondingcross-recessed head sers.
1.5 Dimensions
All dimensions in this Standard are given in milli-meicrs.
1.6 Options
Options, wher spccified, shall bc at thc discrctionof the manufacturcr unless otherwise agreed upon bythe manufacturer and the purchaser.
1.7 Responsibility for Modification
The manufacturer sha!! not be held responsible formodifications, such as plating, when these modificationsare not made under his control, nor shall any certificationbe issued by the party making the modification unlessit is accompanied by a written statement noting theoriginal lot number, disclosing the modification, andwarning that such modification may affect the dimen-sional and/or physical characteristics of the fastener.

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