ASME B16.49:2000 pdf download

12-15-2022 comment

1.1 General
This Standard covers design, material, manufacturingtesting,marking,and inspection requirements for factory-made pipeline bends of carbon steel materialshaving controlled cheristry and mechanicai properties.produced by the induction bending process, with orwithout tangents. This Standard covers induction bendsfor transportation and distribution piping applications(e.g,ASME B31.4,B31.8,and B31.11) Process andpower piping have differing requirements and materialsthat may not be appropriate for the restrictions andexaminations described hereinand therefore are notincluded in this Standard.
1.2 Manufacturing Process
This process utilizes induction heating to heat anarrow band 360 deg around pipe at the point ofbending as the pipe is being pushed through the inductorcoil at a constant velocity. After the material passesthrough the coil it may be cooled by forced air orwater spray, or it may be allowed to cool in still air.Bends in any producible wall thickness and diameterare covered. Induction bends covered by this Standardmay be produced from seamless pipe, welded pipe, orcylinders.
1.3 Fabricated Bends
Larger angle bends obtained by girth welding twoor more smaller angle bends together are consideredpipe fabrications and as such are not within the scopeof this Standard.
1.4 Standard Units
The values stated in either metric units or U.Scustomary units are to be regarded separately as standard. Within the text, customary values are shown inparentheses. The values stated in each system are notexact equivalents; therefore, each system must be usedindependently of the other. Combining values from two systems may result in nonconformance with theStandard.
1.5 References
Standards and specifications adopted by reference inthis Standard are shown in mandatory Annex I. It isnot practical to identify the specific edition of eachStandard and specification in the individual referencesInstead, the specific edition reference is identified inAnnex I. A product made in conformance with a prioredition of reference Standards and in all other respectsconforming to this Standard will be considered to bein compliance
1.6 Codes and Regulations
A bend used under the jurisdiction of a referencingcode or a governmental regulation is subject to anylimitation of that code or regulation. This includes anymaximum temperature limitation or rule goverming theuse of a material at low temperature.
1.7 Service Conditions
Criteria for selection of bend material for a particularfluid service are not within the scope of this Standard.
1.8 Convention
In conformance with this Standard, the conventionfor fixing significant digits where limits, maximum andminimum values, are specified shall be “rounded offas defined in ASTM Practice E 29. This requires thatan observed or calculated value shall be rounded offto the nearest unit in the last right-hand digit used forexpressing the limit. Decimal values and tolerance donot imply a particular method of measurement.
19 Quality Systems
Requirements relating to the manufacturers’ qualitysystem programs are described in nonmandatoryAnnex A.

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