ASME B15.1:2000 pdf download

12-15-2022 comment

1.1 Scope
The requirements of this Standard apply to any sourceof hazard to people from the operation of mechanica!power transmission apparatus on machines, equipmentor systems that are stationary in their use, other thanthe point of operation. This Standard applies to thesources of mechanical power, and also to pulleys, gearsand other mechanicai components used to transmitpower to the point of operation. Where other standardstake precedence by specific reference to power transmis-sion apparatus,this B15.1 Standard shall not apply.
1.2 Purpos6
Thc purpose of this Standard is to provide requirements for use in dcveloping effective safeguardingmethods to protect people from injury duc to inadvertentcontact with mechanica! power transmission apparatusWhen specifc safeguarding methods are listed, theyare based on sound safety practices;, however, alternatives that provide equivalent protection are acceptableThe use of personal protective equipment is recom-mended, where anplicable, buf its use does not negateprovisions of this Standard.
1.3 Application – Genera! Requirements
People having access to areas where motion hazardsexist shall be protected, by safeguarding means, fromcontact with moving parts (mechanisms). Such safe.guarding means shall prevent people from walking intoreaching over or under, or other inadvertent contacts
Where brcakagc of a machine component can resultin injury, provision shall be made for appropriatecontainmment of said components.
When mechanical powcr transmission apparatus isstopped for servicing purposes, the starting mevers, or powered accessories sha!! be lockedor tagged out, in accordance with a generalized procedure, to protect all persons or ‘groups exposed tothe mechanical power transmission apparatus from anunexpected start.
1.3.1 Exception – Low Energy. Certain powertransmission apparatus may lack sufficient energy tocreate a hazard, and therefore safeguarding may notbe required.
1.3.2 Exceptions 一Service/Maintenance.When a safeguard must be bypassed during startupselup,repair, adjustrnent, or maintenance,a programto control the unexpected energization of mmechanicalpowcr transinissiun apparatus shall be inpleimented.This program shall be in writing and shall inciudepropcr procedures and adequate training of personnel.During testing and positioning of mechanical powertransmission apparatus, special procedurcs shall bc im-plemented and only properly trained and authorizedpersonnel shall be allowed access to a hazard area.

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