ASME B107.5M:2002 pdf download

12-15-2022 comment

This Standard provides dimensional,pcrformnancc,and safety requiremcnts for detachable socket wrencheswith square drive for hand use, Inclusion of dimensionaldata in this Standard is not intended to imply that allof the products described herein are stock productionsizes. Consummers arc requested to consult with manufacturers concerning lists of stock production sizes.
Type I: Sockets, single (6-point) and double(12-point) hexagon (see Fig.1 and Tables I through 5)Class 1: Regular lengthClass 2: Long lengthClass 3: Mid lengthType Il: Universal sockets, single (6-point) anddouble (12-point) hexagon, block type (see Fig.2 andTables 6 through 8)
The following standards form a part of this Standardto the extent specified herein. All standards are subjectto change, and parties to agreements based on thisStandard are encouraged to investigate the possibilityof applying the most recent edition of the documentsindicated below.
Guide to Hand Tools — Selection, Safety Tips, PropcrUse and CarePublisher: Hand Tools Institute (HTI), 25 North Broadway,Tarrytown NY 10591
ASME B46.1-1996,Surface Texture, Surface RoughnessWaviness and LayASME B107.4M-1995,Driving and Spindle Ends forPortable Hand,Impact,Air and Electric ToolsASME B107.17M-1997,Gages,Wrench Openings,Ref
Publisher: The American Socicty of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)Three Park Avenuc,Ncw YorkNY10016-5990 ASTM B 117-97, Standard Practice for Operating SaltSpray (Fog) ApparatusASTM B 537-70 (1992) cl, Standard Practice for Ratingof Electroplated Panels Subjected to AtmosphericExposurcASTM B 571-97,Standard Test Methods for Adhesionof Metallic MatcrialsASTM D 968-93Standard Test Methods for AbrasionResistancc of Organic Coatings by Falling AbrasivcASTM E 18-00.Standard Test Methods for RockwellHardncss and Rockwell Superficial Hardness of Mctallic Materials
Publisher: American Socicty for Testing and Materials(ASTM),100 Bar Harbor Drivc,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959
4.1 Ilustrations
The illustrations shown hercin are descriptive andnot restrictive, and arc not intended to preclude themanufacture of sockets thal are otherwise in accordancewith this Standard.
4.2 Materials
The materials used in the manufacturc of the socketsshall be such as to produce tools conforming to requirements in this Standard.
4.3 Marking
Sockcts shall be marked in a plain and pcrmanentmanner with the manufacturer’s name or with a trademark of such known character that the source ofmanufacture may be readily determined, In additionsockets shall be marked in a plain and permanentmanner with the nominal size of the wrench opening(distance across flats) for the nut, bolt, or scrcw end.

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