ASME B107-56:1999 pdf download

12-14-2022 comment

1.1 Scope
This Standard provides safety requirements for thedesign, construction, testing, and use of body repairhammers and dolly blocks. both of which are intendedspecifically for the reshaping of sheet metal panels.
1.2 Purpose
This Standard is intended to serve as a guide inselecting, testing, and using the hand tools covered.Details of design, testing, and use of the tools coveredare specified only as they relate to safety. It is not thepurpose of this Standard to specify the details ofmanufacturing.This Standard is also meant to serve as a guide indeveloping manuals and posters for training personnelto work safely.
1.3 Application
This Standard may be used as a guide by statcauthorities or other regulatory bodies in the formulationof laws or regulations. It is also intended for voluntar)use by establishments that use or manufacture the toolscovered.
The methods employed to ensure compliance with thisStandard shall be determined by the proper regulatory oradministrative authority.
1.4 Shall and Should
Mandatory requirements of this Standard are charac-terized by the word shall. If a provision is of anadvisory nature,it is indicated by the word should oris stated as a recommendation.
1.5 Equivalent
The word equivalent in this Standard shall be interpreted to mean alternative designs or features that willprovide an equal degree of safety.
The following documents form a part of this Standardto the extent specified herein.At the time of publication.the editions indicated were valid. All standards aresubject to revision and parties to agreement based on thisStandard are encouraged to investigate the possibility ofapplying the most recent edition of the standards indicated below.
ANSI Z87.1-1989,Practice for Occupational and Educational Eye and Face Protection; Supplement ANSlZ87.1a-1991
ANSI Z535.4-1998,Product Safety Signs and LabelsPublisher: American NationalStandards Institute(ANSI),11 West 42nd Street, New York,NY 10036
ASTM A29/A 29M-93a Standard Specification forSteel Bars,Carbon and Alloy,Hot-Wrought andCold-Finished,General Requirements forASTM A322-91,Standard Specification for Steel Bars,Alloy,Standard GradesASTM A576-90b(R1995),Standard Specification forSteel Bars,Carbon, Hot-Wrought, Special QualityASTM A681-94.Standard Specification for ToolSteels AlloyASTM E18-94,Standard Test Methods for RockwellHardness and Rockwell, Superficial Hardness of Metallic Matcrials
Publisher: American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM).100 Barr Harbor DriveWest Consho-hocken,PA 19428-2959
Guide to Hand Tools — Selection, Safety Tips, ProperUse and Care
Publisher: Hand Tools Institute (HTI), 25 North Broad-way,Tarrytown,NY 10591

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