ASME B107.54:2001 pdf download

12-16-2022 comment

1.1 Scope
This Standard provides safety requirements for thedesign, construction, testing, and use of the followingstyles of heavy striking tools. The names given andintended uses are those generally recognized (see Fig. 1)(a)B/acksmiths Double-Face Sledges Nevada longpattern striking hammers,and Oregon short-patternstriking hammers,intended specifically for use in generalsledging operations in striking wood, metal, masonry,and stone.
(b) Hand Drilling Hammers. Intended specificallyfor use in striking chisels, punches, star drills, spikes.and hardened nails.
(C) Blacksmith’s Cross-Peen S/edges. The strikingface of which is intended specifically for use in generalsledging operations in striking wood,metal, masonry.and stone and the peen face of which is intended
specifically for use in bending and fullering (necking)unhardened metal.
(d) Woodchoppers Mau/. The bit end of which isintended specifically for splitting logs and the strikingface of which is intended specifically for driving metalwood-splitting wedges into logs.
(e) Railroad Spike Mau/. Intended specifically foruse in driving railroad spikes.
(f Spa/ling Hammers Intended specifically for usein cutting and shaping stone and masonry by firstmaking a score line with the peen and then tapping awaythe unwanted stone or masonry with the striking face
(g) Stone S/edge The peen end of which is intendedspecifically for making score lines in stone and masonryand the striking face of which is intended specificallyfor use in breaking up stone and masonry
(h) Bush Hammers Intended specifically for use in
roughing and chipping concrete.
(i) Boat Mauls. Intended specifically for use in
driving wooden wedges and wooden pegs
(j) Lineman’s or Farrier’s Turning Hammers. In-tended specifically for use by telephone and electric
utility linemen or by farriers (blacksmiths) in forming
and shaping horseshoes.
1.2 Purpose
This Standard is intended to serve as a guide in
selecting, testing,and using the hand tools coveredDetails of design, testing, and use of the tools coveredare specified only as they relate to safety, It is not thepurpose of this Standard to specify the details of
This Standard is also meant to serve as a guide in
developing manuals and posters and for training person-
nel to work safely.
1.3 Application
This Standard may be used as a guide by state
authorities or other regulatory bodies in the formulationoflaws or regulations. It is also intended for voluntaryuse by establishments that use or manufacture the tools
The methods employed to ensure compliance with thisStandard shall be determined by the proper regulatory oradministrative authority.
1.4 Shall and Should
Mandatory requirements of this Standard are characterized by the word sha// f a provision is of anadvisory nature, it is indicated by the word shou/d oris stated as a recommendation.
1.5 Equivalent
The word equ/va/ent in this Standard shall be interpreted to mean alternative designs or features that willprovide an equal degree of safety.
The following documents form a part of this Standardto the extent specified herein At the time of publication.the editions indicated were valid. All standards aresubject to revision. and parties to agreements based onthis Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards
indicated below.

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