ASME B107.48:2005 pdf download

12-16-2022 comment

ASME B107.48:2005 pdf download Metal Chisels, Punches, and Drift Pins
This Standard provides performance and safety requirements for handheld and handled metal chisels.punches, and drift pins. Chisels are intended specificallyfor use in cutting and shaping metal objects. Punchesand drift pins are intended specifically for use in marking metal, driving and removing such things as pins andrivets, and aligning holes in different sections of material. Power-driven chisels, punches, and drift pins areexcluded from this Standard, This Standard is intendedto serve as a guide in selecting, testing, and using thehand tools covered. It is not the purpose of this Stan-dard to specify the details of manufacturing.Inclusionof dimensional data in this Standard does not mean thatall products described herein are stock production sizes.Consumers should consult with manufacturers con-cerning lists of stock production sizes.
This Standard may be used as a quide by state au-thorities or other requlatory bodies in the formulationof laws or regulations. It is also intended for voluntaryuse by establishments that manufacture the tools cov-ered.
This Standard is also meant to serve as a guide in de-veloping manuals and posters for training personnel towork safely.
2.1 Type I Chisels
(a) Class 1 Cape: for cutting grooves and keyways(b) Class 2 Cold: for general-purpose cutting and
shaping(c) Class 3 Concave Splitting: for splitting bushingsmufflers, and tailpipes(d) Class 4 Diamond Point: for cutting V-grooves, inside corners, and square holes(e) Class 5 Half Round: for cutting grooves(/ Class 6 Blacksmith’s Cold: handle-held cold chisefor general-purpose cutting and shaping
2.2 Type II Punches
(a) Class 1 Backing-out: handle-held punch for backing out and driving such things as rivets and pins (a.k.aBlacksmith’s Backing-out)
(b)Class 2 Bearing Race: punch used for removingraces from bearings
(c)Class 3 Center: punch used for marking by in-dentation to start drills in metal and other materials(d) Class 4 Drift or Lining-up: punch used for aligning and sizing holes in metal and other materials
(e) Class 5 Pin: punch used for driving and removingsuch things as pins and keys after initial movement bya starting punch
(f Class 6 Prick: punch used for marking by inden-tation, as in layout work, and piercing holes in light-gage metal and other materials
(g) Class 7 Round: handle-held punch for driftingholes, aligning, and drifting and driving such things aspins(a.k.a.Blacksmith’s Round)
(h) Class 8 Starting: punch used for loosening suchthings as frozen pins and keys@ Type Ill Drift Pins: pin used for aligning and sizing holes in metal and other materials
The following is a list of publications referenced inthis Standard. Unless a specific edition is referenced, thelatest available edition should be used.
ANSI Z871,Practice for Occupational and EducationalEye and Face ProtectionANSI Z535.4, Product Safety Signs and LabelsPublisher:American National Standards Institute(ANSI), 25 West 43rd Street, New York,NY 10036ASTM E18,Standard Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell Superficial Hardness of MetallicMaterials
Publisher: American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM)100 Barr Harbor Drive, West ConshohockenPA19428-2959
Guide to Hand Tools – Selection, Safety Tips, ProperUse, and CarePublisher: Hand Tools Institute (HTI), 25 North Broadway,Tarrytown,NY 10591
See Figs. 1 through 4 as applicablebeve/: conical portion of the punch adjacent to the pointend extending to the taper or the angular portion of thechisel adjacent to the cutting edge extending to the taperbody: straight portion of the punch or chisel between thechamfer and taper or the tapers of the drift pin.

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