accuracy: the difference between a known appliedtorquc and thc torquc displayed on the electronic indicator mcasurcd in pcrccntagc of thc known applied torquc.first peak. the maximum torquc valuc just prior tothe torque dropoff, which occurs as the wrench bcginsits“camming action” on Type 2 torque wrenches.peakthe maximum torque value reached during theprocess of applying the load to the wrench.
frack: continuous readout of torque applied at anymoment.
usable range of the transducer: the range to whichthe accuracy requirements of para. 5.2 are applied.
5.1 Components
The tester shall consist of the following components:(a) Typel
(1)electronic torquc indicator and/or cuntrol unit(2) torque transducers
(3) mechanical torque generaling unit (refer topara.5.1.3)(b) Type 2
(1) electronic torque indicator and/or control unit(2) torque transducers
5.1.1 Electronic Torque indicator. The testershali have an eiectronic digitai indicator. The digitalindicator must be easily viewed and accessed by theoperator. The characters used to indicate the appliedtorque sitali not be iess than 0.5 in. (i.27 cm) in heightIndications shall be provided on the panel of the digitaiindicator to indicate, at a minimumn, the followingconditions:
(a) powcr on
(b) torque units of mcasurc
(c) opcrating modcs
(1) first peak
(2) pcak(3) track(d) clockwise or counterclockwisc operation Controls.All controls shall be readilyaccessible and clearly identified. Overload Indication.A visual and/oraudible overload indication shall be provided. Calibration Adjustment. A meansshall be provided to calibrate the equipmment or tochange any calibration factor or other correction datastored in the memory of the equipment. Torque Units of Measure. The testcrshall bc capablc of displaying a minimum of two ormorc torquc units of measure. Selection of the applicableunit shall be via a switch on thc front pancl.
5.1.2 Torque Transducers. Multiple torque trans.ducers may be used to cover the range of the torquetester.”Transducers shall he interchangeable. The usablerange of the fransducer shall be clearly indicated onthe transducer’s label. The drives on the transducerand/or adapter shall conform tO ASME B107.4M.
5.1.3 Torque Generating Unit. Thc Typc 1 tcstcrshall havc a torquc gcncrating unit. The torque generating unit’s scnsitivity must be commensurate with theresolution of the indicator. During testing, the application of the load on the handle shall be applied inaccordance with test procedure specified in ASMEB107.28M and ASME B107.14M.
5.2 Accuracy
Accuracy of the measured torque shall not excecdtfie vaiues shuwn beiow.
5.3 Design and Construction
The testers covered by this specification shall bedesigned for checking clockwise and counterclockwisehand torque touis cunformming to ASME B107.14M andASME B107.28M
5.3.1 Safety. Design of the torquc gencrating unitshall be inhercntly safe. The torque tester shall beconveniently and casily opcratcd and shall not constitutca hazard to thc opcrator under normal operating condi-tions. Thc tcstor shall be designed to protect the operatorin casc a failurc occurs in the torque tool being tested.or in the tester itself.
ASME B107.29M:1998 pdf download
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