ASME B107.2:2002 pdf download

12-15-2022 comment

This Standard is intended to coverthecompletegeneral and dimensional data for detachable socketwrenches, extensions,adaptors, and universal jints forpower drive impact use.Inclusion of dimensional datain this Standard is not intended to imply that all ofthe products described herein are stock production sizesConsumers are requested to consult with manufacturersconccrning lists of stock production sizes.
All dimensions in this Standard are in inches.
2 CLASSIFICATIONType I: Sockets,single (6-point) and double(12-point) hexagonClass I: Regular lengthClass 2: Long lengthClass 3: Extra long lengthClass 4: Regular length, thin wall
Class 5: Long length, thin wall
Type I: Sockets, single square (4-point) anddouble square (8-point)
Class 1: Regular lengthClass 2: Long lengthType ml: Universal sockets, single hexagon (6point) and double hexagon (12-point)
Class 1: Regular length
Class 2: Long length
Type IV: Bars,cxtensionType V: AdaptorsType VI: Universal jointType VIl: Sockets,#5 Spline DriveClass 1: Regular lengthClass 2: Long length
The following documents form a part of this Standardto the extent specified herein, At the time of publication.the editions indicated werevalid.All standards arcsubject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the documentsindicated below.
ASME B107.4M-1995,Driving and Spindle Ends forPortable Hand, Impact, Air and Electric Tools (percussion tools excluded)ASME B107.17M-1997,Gagcs, Wrench Openings,Ref-
Publisher: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME International),Three Park AvenueNew York,NY 10016-5990; Order Department: 22Law Drive,PO Box 2300FairfeldNJ 07007-2300
ASTM E 18-97a, Standard Test Methods for RockwellHardness and Rockwell Superficial Hardness of Me-tallic Materials
Publisher: Amcrican Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM)100 Barr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959
4.1 lllustrations
The illustrations shown herein are descriptive andnot rcstrictive,and are not intended to preclude themanufacture of sockets and attachments that are otherwise in accordance with this Standard.
4.2 Materials
Unless otherwise specified, the material used in thetools shall be steel, the chemical composition and heattreatment of which shall be such as to produce toolsconforming to the rcquircments hereinafter specified.
4.3 Dimensions
Dimensions shall be in accordance with applicabletables.
4.4 Markings
Sockets and attachments shall be marked in a plainand permancnt manner with the manufacturer’s namcor with a trademark of such known character that thesource of manufacture and country of origin may bereadily determined In addition, sockets shall be markedin a plain and permanent manner with the nominalsize of the wrench opening(distancc across flats) forthe nut, bolt, or screw end.
4.5 Proof Torque
When tested as specified, sockets and extensionsshall withstand the proof torque specified in thc applica-ble tables without failure or permanent deformation(set) that might affect the durability or serviceabilityof the wrenches.
4.6 Hardness
Sockets and attachments shall be hardened and shallhave a hardness value for the various sizes within therange shown in the table below except that the maximumhardness for Type I Class 4 and 5 shall be 52 HRC

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