ASME B107.15:2002 pdf download

12-15-2022 comment

ASME B107.15:2002 pdf download FLATTIP SCREWDRIVERS
6.4 Assembly Torsional Test
The test shall be conducted after preheating the entiretool to a uniform temperature of 125°F5F (51.7C 2.8°C). The torque shall be applied within 1 minafter remnoving the tool from the heating medium. Thetorque shall be applied by forces acting at or near themiddle of the natural grip of the handle perpendicularto the axis with the tip held securely in the test blockIt is perrnissible to support the shank at or near thejunction of the shank and handle in a suitable positionfor test. The scrcwdriver shall be restricted from endwiscmovement during testing. When tested to the minimumasscmbly torquc valuc specificd in Table 2, the asscmblyshall not show a permanent slippage between the shankand handlc.
6.5 Tip Toughness Test
The tip shall be tested as in the torsion test describedin para. 6.3 except that the torquc shall be increaseduntil failurc. If a fracture occurs, the pieces shall berefitted and the tip shall show that permanent deformation had occurred prior to fracture. If the tip fails withoutexhibiting such deformation, it shall be considered tohave failed the tip toughness test.
6.6 Bending Moment Test
The bending moment test for flat tip screwdriversshall be conducted in a manncr similar to that shownin Fig. 6. In this test the force shall bc applied nearthe middle of the handle, the force acting at rightangles to the axis of the screwdriver to lift weight W(sec Fig. 6) A load measuring device may be used inlieu of a deadweight in applying the bending loadWhen tested to the minimum bending moment specified D= depth of slot, in. (mm)W = width of slot, in. (mm)
GENERAL NOTES:(a) The test block shall have a hardness of not less than60 HRC or equivalent. The hardness shall be testedusing procedures as outlined in ASTM E 18.b) See Table 2 for D and W test block slot dimensionsand performance characteristicg..(c) For nominal tip thickness smaller than 0.025 in.(0.64mm). use 0.004R in.(0.10 mm) max.
in Table 2, the assembly shall not facture,the bladeshall not show any visible permanent deformation, andthe handle shall not loosen.
6.7 Solvent Resistance Test
Screwdrivers shall be capable of undergoing thefollowing test without specified damage. Handles are

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