4.1 Illustrations
The illustrations shown herein are descriptive andnot restrictive, and are not intended to preclude themanufacture of nut drivers which are otherwise inaccordance with this Standard.
4.2 Materials
The materials used in the manufacture of nut driversshall be such as to produce tools conforming to therequirements specified in this Standard.
4.3 Miarking
Rach item shall be mmarked in a legible mmanrewith the manufaclurer’s narne, cuuniry of manufaciureproduct number, and nominal socket opening size. Themcthod of marking shall bc such that it will endurcthe normal usage for a nut driver for an extendedperiod of time.
4.4 Hardness
The socket shall be hardened to not less than 35HRC,or case hardened 0.005 in. deep (minimum) toa hardness not less than 89 HR15n. When surfacepreparation is necessary, the amount of material removedin the area contacted by the indenter shall not exceed0.007 in.
4.5 Test Loads
When tested as specified, nut drivers shall be capableof withstanding the iest ioads specified in the appiicabielables without failure or perrianent deformation (set)which might affect durability or serviceability.
4.6 Socket Opening
The nut or engaging surfaces (load bearing) of thcsockct shall bc wcll defincd single hcxagon (6 point).The sockct opcning dimensions and tolcrances shallconform to the gauging requircments of ASMEB107.17M and para. 4.6.1 before and after testing,asset forth in paras. S.3.1 and 5.3.2. Manufacturing process or pilot holes, if present in the socket openings, shallnot exceed the minimumn aliowable across fiais dimnen-sion times 1.04.
4.6.i Gage Dimensions, Type iii. Socket open-ings 5164 through ‘/s in. Type Ill nut drivers shall bechecked using gages with across flat dimensions asspecified in Table 4. Gage tolerances and all othergauging requirements shall conform to ASMEB107.17M.
4.7 Finish
4.7.1 Coatings. The external surfaces of sockets,shanks, and infernal drivers shall be freated in a mannerto resist rust or corrosion (see para. 4.8.3). There shallbe no evidence of peeling or chipping of externalfinishes.
4.7.2 Surface Roughness. The socket and shankshall have a maximum of 125 pin. (arithmetic average)finish. All edges and corners which may be potentiallyinjuriolis shall he smooth.
4.8 Handles
The handles shall be of suitable material capable ofwithstanding the handle tests specified in para. 5.4.
4.8.1 Color Coding. When specified, handles and/or shanks shall be color coded in accordance with thefollowing chart.
4.8.2 Handle Shape and Fimish. Ilandles shallbe suitably shaped and finished to providc a comfortablegrip. Thcy shall be frec from rough edges, sharp corncrs,or tool marks that affect the appearance and comfort ofthe tooi. Thcy shall meet the dimensionai requirementsspecified in the applicable tables.
4.8.3 Handle with internai Drive. When specifed, handles shall be provided with a ‘/4 or 3/g in.square internal drive opening. Square drive dimensionsand tolerances shall be in accordance with ASMEB107.4M. The drive shall be flush with the butt endof the handle. The drive shall be capable of meetingthe same torsional load requirements as set forth forthe socket end. A square external drive tang in accord-ance with ASME B107.4M shall be used for the testmandrei.
4.8.4 Cushion Grip. Style B nut driver handlesshall be furnished with cushion grips. The grip materialshall be capable of meeting the handle solvent testspecified in para. 5.4.1. The length of the cushion gripshall be at least 60% of the handle length, and thereshall be no detectable slippage between the handle andthe cushion grip under normal usage. The originalhardness shall be Shore A60 tO A75 when tested inaccordance with ASTM D 2240,and the hardness afterijie soivenl test shaii nol be greater han Shore A80.
4.9 Dimensions
Dimensions shali be in accordance wit te applicabletables.
ASME B107.12:1997 pdf download
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