3.5 Test Loads
When tested as specified in para. 4.2.1, tools shallwithstand the test loads specified in thc applicabletabies without permanent deformation which mightaffect the durability or performance of the tools.
3.6 Finish
3.6.1 Surface Roughness. All external surfaces shall be free from pits, noduies, forge fiashburrs. cracks,and other detrimental defects.The external forge flash shall be completely removed to blendsmoothly with adjacent surfaces.ivaximum surfaccroughness values shall be determined by microinchvajues. Determnination of microiiich values shall betaken un a representative surface. Areas that arcground and buffed, or otherwise finished by an cquiv.aleni method and provided with a coating finish ochromium (para.3.6.2.), shall havc a uniform brightfinish with a maximum surface roughness conformingto Table 1 Measurcmcnt shall be made with a surfacemeasuring instrument using a 0.030 in.(0.76 mmroughness width cutoff.All surface roughness valuesshal! be rated as the arithmetical average, except thatsurfaceroughness for items oxide or phosphate coatedor other manufacturer’s standard coating shall notexceed 200 uin.(S.08 um). Definitions and nomenclature used herein can be found in ANSI R46.1.
3.6.2 Coatings. The coatings shall he tightly adherent, smooth, continuous, and free from pits, blisters, nodules,and any other defects which wouldinterfere with their protective value and serviceabiiity
3.6.21 Chrome Plate. The coatings shall belectrodeposited metals consisting of nickel followedby chromium,The minimum thickness shall be0.00015 in.(0.0038 mm) for nickel or iron-nickel,and0.000003 in.(0.00076 mmm) for chromium. Oxide Coating or Phosphate Coating. Coating shall consist of a chemically producecoxide or phosphate, followed with a coating of pre5ervative.
3.6.23 All tools shall be chrome plated,oxideor phosphate coated in accordance with para. 3.6.2.lor,or manufacturer’s standard coating.Theconsumer may specify the coating required.
socket holder permanently attached to a fork. Thehandle sha!! be integral with or detachable from thefork and provided with a comfortable and adequatehand grip. The hinged socket holder shall be suitablefor operation at an angle within a range of 90 degfrom either side of the longitudinal axis of the handle.The handle shall be provided with a friction typetension device which wili hold the socket hoider inany position set with a force adequate to hold thesocket holder against gravity. This device shall becompensating for wear by means of spring action,but shall not be the pivot pin for the socket holder.The free end ofthe handle may have a transverse holcsuitable for accommnodaing a slide rod. The hingepin shall not extend beyond the periphery (or flat ofthe fork) by more than ‘/32 in,(0.79 mm). If the hingcpin extends beyond the fork, it shall not interfcre withthe normal operation of the hcad handle. If a rivetis used, it shall not projcct more than l/i in, max.(1.58 mm) bcyond thc periphery of the fork. Theportion of the pin head that does extend beyond thefork shall not have any sharp edges. The Class 1handle shall be similar to Fig. 1 and shall conformto Tables 2 and 2A for the drive and length specified
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