ASME B107.10:2005 pdf download

12-16-2022 comment

ASME B107.10:2005 pdf download Handles and Attachments for Hand Socket Wrenches
4.5.1 Surface Finish. All surfaces shall have a maximum roughness of 200 in. when tested per para, 5.6As a guideline, buffed or polished surfaces shall havea maximum roughness of 30 in. Handles and attachments with phosphate or oxide coating are excludedfrom the surface roughness requirements.
Forge flash shall blend smoothly with adjacent sur-faces. External sharp edges shall be broken to 0016 in.radius minimum, and shall not project more than0.016 in. from adjacent surfaces.
4.5.2 Coatings. Handles and attachments shall becoated with one of the following:
a) Nicke/-Chromium P/ate The coatings shall be elec-trodeposited metals consisting of nickel followed bychromium. The minimum thickness shall be 0.00015 infor nickel or iron-nickel, and 0.000003 in for chromium,or the tool shall pass the alternative coating test as specified in para. 5.5.
(b) Oxide Coating or Phosphate Coating. Coating shallconsist of a chemically produced oxide or phosphatefollowed with a coating of rust preventative.
(C A/ternative Coatings. Alternative coatings may beused in lieu of nickel-chromium and shall be subjectedto the alternative coating test as specified in para. 5.5
4.6 Design, Type I, Handles
4.6.1 Class 1, Hinged (Illustration in Table 1). Handle shall include a steel hinged drive tang attached toa fork. The hinged drive tang shall be suitable for operation at an angle within a range of 90 deg in either direction from the longitudinal axis of the handle. The handleshall be provided with a tension device, which will holdthe drive tang against gravity. The free end of the handlemay have a transverse hole suitable for accommodatinga slide rod. The hinge pin shall not extend beyond theperiphery (or flat of the fork) by more than 0.031 in.Handle shall conform to Table 1 and pass the pin removaltest in para. 5.9.
4.62 Class 2 Ratchet, Reversible (llustration inTable 2) Handle shall be either gear head or clutchtype and shall include a head for housing a ratchetmechanism, and a drive tang. The horizontal or sidemovement and vertical or up and down movement of thetang shall be held within the limits of Table 2. Ratchetingaction shall be attained by means of a completelyenclosed gear having hardened teeth engaging a hardened pawl or pawls, or by means of a completelyenclosed clutch mechanism. Ratcheting action shall be reversible by manual movement of a shifting lever, button, or knob that permits ratcheting operation of the drive tang in either direction of rotation. The ratchetingmechanism shall withstand the reverse torque of Table2 when tested as specified in para. 5.3, and the droptest of para. 5.4. The ratchet handle shall withstand theproof torque specified. and shall show no indication ofdamage or adverse effects on the ratcheting mechanismand the handle after removal of the test torque. Handlesshall conform to Table 2.
4.6.3 Class 3, Speeder, The requirements of para.4.3 do not apply to these tools.(a) Style A Brace Type, Single Revolving Handgrip (Illus-tration in Tab/e 3) Handles shall have a square externaltang at one end, and an attached rotatable metal hand-grip or knob at the other end. Grips or knobs shallbe constructed so that they will rotate freely withoutbinding after being subjected to the thrust load and pullloads specified in Table 3 and paras. 5.7 and 5.8. Theshank shall not extend through the end of the handgripor knob. Handles shall conform to Table 3.

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