ASME AS-11:2002 pdf download

12-16-2022 comment

AS-11 complements AC-10. Where AC-10 includes the personnel of the Board of Governors, councilsboards, and technical and regional committees, AS-11 includes the personnel of the Council on Codes andStandards (CCS), boards, and committees of the Codes, Standards, and Conformity Assessment Programs. Theinformation contained herein reflects the Codes and Standards committee membership and staff assignments asof September 4,2001.A Society activity of prime importance has been the development, promulgation, and administration of theCodes, Standards, and Conformity Assessment Programs. In the ASME Constitution, Article C2.1 states:
C2.1.1 The purposes of this Society are to: Promote the art, science, and practice of mechanical engineering and the allied arts and
Encourage original research;
·Foster engineering education;
Advance the standards of engineering;Promote the exchange of information among engineers and others;Broaden the usefulness of the engineering profession in cooperation with other engineering
and technical societies; andPromote a high level of ethical practice.In all professional and business relations the members of the Society shall be governed by theCode of Ethics as stated in the Society Policies.
C2.1.2 The Society may approve or adopt any report, standard, code, formula, or recommendedpractice, but shall forbid and oppose the use of its name and proprietary symbols in anycommercial work or business, except to indicate conformity with its standards or recommended
ASME has a unique organizational structure which provides a great deal of autonomy for its Codes, Standardsand Conformity Assessment Programs. and vet provides the advantages inherent in a professional society ocommittees, boards,and councils that enhance due process. These inherent advantages result from themultifaceted purposes of the Society.
The Codes, Standards, and Conformity Assessment Programs include:Council on Codes and StandardsBoard on Conformity AssessmentBoard on Council OperationsBoard on Hearings and AppealsBoard on International Standards
Board on Metrication
Board on Nuclear Codes and Standards
Board on Performance Test Codes
Board on Pressure Technology Codes and Standards
Board on Safetv Codes and Standards
Board on StandardizationAnnually, the Board of Governors assigns the duties associated with the Codes, Standards, and ConformityAssessment Programs to the Council on Codes and Standards (CCS). This Council is responsible for Codes andStandards planning; reflection of advancing technological changes and safely needs in the structureresponsiveness to investigations and suggestions; providing procedural due process, review, and comment; andor testimony on proposed legislation relating to ASME’s codes, standards, and/or conformity assessment activitiesThe supervisory boards (Conformity Assessment, Nuclear Codes and Standards, Performance Test CodesPressure Technology Codes and Standards, Safety Codes and Standards, and Standardization), within thejrrespective scopes, have the following duties:
to assess the need for codes, standards, and related conformity assessment activities;

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