ASME A17.4:1999 pdf download

12-15-2022 comment

ASME A17.4:1999 pdf download Errata to ASME A17.4-1999 Guide for Emergency Personnel
It is recommended that any evacuation of passengers from elevator cars be performed under the direct supervision of elevator personnel, as their experience and expertise assure the resourcefulness necessary to cope with the various complex hazards that may arise. However, in the event of an emergency, time may be of the essence in evacuating passengers, and waiting for elevator personnel may be impractical. Under emergency conditions, the passenger evacuation must be performed by personnel who are carefully selected and trained as described in this Guide.
Elevator personnel should also follow these procedures. However, due to their knowledge of elevator systems they may utilize other procedures to safely evacuate passengers (e.g., move the car to a landing to allow egress through the elevator door).
1.2.1 Organization In order to ensure that a rescue by other than experienced elevator personnel is performed safely, the building management must select and train their employees in the proper evacuation procedures. A rescue team should be organized for each shift, with specific duties assigned to each member. Where this is impractical, the building management should coordinate with the local authorities responsible for rescue operations, such as the police or fire departments. The rescue teams must be similarly organized and trained. Training should always be done with experienced, qualified elevator personnel present.
Prior to attempting any rescue, it is imperative that the rescue team has the proper tools and equipment ready for use. It is equally important that they be trained in the proper use of the tools and equipment. Some of the tools and equipment necessary to make a safe rescue are (see Fig. 1 .2.1 ):
(a) short extension ladder (when using the top emergency exit, a short extension ladder may be helpful in assisting passengers going over the crosshead);
(b) collapsible or folding ladder;
(c) hoistway door unlocking devices (elevator door interlock release keys);
(d) two-way radios;
(el safety belts;
(f) lifelines;
(g) forcible entry tools;
(hl flashlights.
1.2.2 Training and Instruction The rescue team should be given training in the proper procedures for evacuating passengers to prepare them for actual emergency situations, which may arise in the elevator operation at every building within their jurisdiction. In training personnel, advantage should be taken of the experience and expertise, which may be provided by the elevator maintenance organization servicing the elevator equipment.

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