ASME A17.3:2005 pdf download Safety Code for Existing Elevators and Escalators Includes Requirements for Electric and Hydraulic Elevators and Escalators
The purpose of this Code is to provide for the safetyof life and limb, and to promote the public welfare.Where a requirement, because of practical difficultycannot be complied with literally or where its literalapplication would cause undue hardship, the authorityhaving jurisdiction shall be permitted, upon properapplication, grant exceptions, but only when it is clearlyevident that reasonable safety is assured.The authority having jurisdiction shall be permittedto also grant exceptions or permit alternate methodswhere it is assured that equivalent objectives can beachieved by establishing and maintaining effectivesafety.
Section 1.4 defines various terms used in this CodeIn addition, some nomenclature and terminology usecin the elevator industry and other ASME publicationsare defined.
access switch: see hoistway access siwitch.
alteration: any change to equipment, including its parts,components, and/or subsystems, other than,or replacement.
alternate level: a floor level identified by the buildingcode or fire authority, other than the designated levelannunciator, car: an electrical device in the car that indi-cates visually the landings at which an elevator landingsignal registering device has been actuated.applied frame entrance: a wraparound or partial addi.tion to an existing entrance frame used to improve theappearance or to provide the required clearances.approved: acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction.
authority having jurisdiction: the organization, officeor individual responsible for enforcement of this Code.Where compliance with this Code has been mandatedby legislation or regulation, the “authority having juris-diction” is the regulatory authority (see regulatoryauthority).
authorized personnel: persons who have beeninstructed in the operation of the equipment and designated by the owner to use the equipment.
automatic transfer device: a power-operated mecha-nism that automatically moves a load consisting of acart, tote box, pallet, wheeled vehicle, box, or other simi-lar object from and/or to the car.
auxiliary power lowering device: an alternatively pow-ered auxiliary control system that will, upon failure ofthe main power supply, allow a hydraulic elevator todescend to a lower landing.
brake, driving machine, elevator, dumbwaiter, or mate-rial lift: an electromechanically or electrohydraulicallyreleased spring, or gravity applied device, which is partof the electric driving machine of the elevator, dumb-waiter, or material lift used to apply a controlled forceat a braking surface to hold or retard the elevator, dumbwaiter,or materiallift.See ASMEA171-2004,Nonman-datory Appendix F
electrohydraulicall released: a means of release in whichan electric current applied to a solenoid valve or themotor of a hydraulicpump directs pressurized hydraulicfluid to an actuator (such as a hydraulic jack) that over-comes a resisting force (such as a spring) as long as theelectric current flows.
electromechanicall relensed: a means of release in whichan electric current applied to an actuator (such as asolenoid) causes an electromagnetic force that over-comes a resisting force (such as a spring) as long as theelectric current flows.
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