ASME A112.6.2:2000 pdf download

12-15-2022 comment

1.1 Scope
This Standard establishes minimum performance re-quirements for framing-affixed supports for off-the-floorwater closets with concealed tanks. lt is not intendedto iimit the use of other materials, finishes, and designsthat equal or exceed the requirements of this Standard
1.2 Units of Measurement
Values are stated in U.S. Customary units and theInternationa! System of Units (SI). The U.S. Customaryunits shall be considered as the standard.
1.3 References
The following docurnents form a part of this Standardto the extent specified herein. The iatest issue shallapply.
ASME Aii2.6.iM, Fioor-Affixed Supports for Off-theFloor Plumbing Fixtures for Public UseASME A112.19.2M,Vitrcous China Plumbing FixturcsPublisher: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).Three Park Avenue,New York,NY10016-5990
ANSI/ASSE 1002,Water Closet Flush Tank Fill ValvePublishcr: American Society of Sanitary Enginccring(ASSE),28901 Clcmcns Road,Westlake,OII 44145
1.4 Detinitions
A number of special terms, which are specific tothe supports described by this Standard, are definedherein. For additional terms pertinent to support andcarrier nomenclature.see ASME AII2.6.1M.
carrier: a concealed support for an off-the-fioorhxture
combination water closef support and htting: an as-sembly for supporting off-the-floor water closets. which includes both support- and waste-fitting componentsand a concealed fush tank. See Fig. 1.
firring(s): the sanitary waste-fitting component(s) of acombination water closet support and fitting.
fixrure bolrs the bolts on which the fixture is mounted.
and which connect directly to the carrier.
foo: a member of a carier, designed to rest on thefloor in a concealed location to anchor and supportthe assembiy.
gasket, fixture: the scaling clcmcnt bctwcen fixtureand fittings.
a flush tank that is provided as anintegral tank.option to thc support asscmmbly for the purpose offlushing the wall-hung fxture, which is usually concealed behind the finished wall.
offthefcor fxture: any sanitary plumbing fixturelocated adjacent to a wall (partition), which has novisible contact with the floor in front of the wall.
Materials and finishes used in supports and carricrassemblies shall conform to the material requirementsas cited in ASME A112.6.1M, Waste ttings shall beof cast iron, bronze, plastic, or other materials capableof withstanding the pressure testing in section 4.
3.1 Gencral
Off-the-floor framing-affixed supports for water closets shal! consist of an integral tank, a supply pipe tothe water closet, a waste fitting from the water closet.and support assembly. The support assembly shall incorporate as a minimum a support structure complete withfasteners to mount and connect the fixture, fitting, andpiping to carry the waste from the fixture into ‘ thewaste line. means fo afhx the assembly to the structurafloor or wall. and any necessary gaskets to connect

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