ASME A112.6.1:1997 pdf download

12-16-2022 comment

This Standard applics to foor-affixed supports foroff-the-floor plumbing fixtures.including combinationcarriers and waste fittings for water closets, and carriersfor urinals,lavatories. sinks. and water coolers.
This Standard covers definitions,materials and finishes,general requirements, strength and deflection requirements, and details of the various types of supportsincluded herein.
The purpose of this Standard is to provide all inter-ested persons,including manufacturers,plumbing codeauthorities,and others with the minimum design andquality criteria for foor-affixed supports (carriers) foroff-the-foor plumbing fixtures. This Standard is notintended as a specification guide. Figures used hereinare intended only to describe and portray typical carriertypes and are not intended to restrict design or to beused for specification purposes.
The following standards are referenced in this docu-ment. Unless otherwise specifed,the latest edition ofeach standard shall apply.
ASTM A 48,Specification for Gray lron CastingsASTM A 307,Specification for Carbon Steel Boltsand StudsASTM A 563,Specification for Carbon and AlloySteel Nuts
ASTM B 85,Specification for Aluminum-Alloy DieCastings
ASTM B 86, Specification for Zinc-Alloy Die CastingsASTM B 584,Specifcation for Copper-Alloy SandCastings for General Applications
Publisher: American Society for Testing and Materials100 Barr Harbor Drive.West Conshohocken.PA19428
4.1 Fixture Support (Carrier) 一 GeneralDescription
As covered in this Standard, a fxture support (carrier)is a device that is anchored to the floor and concealedin the building construction (i.e., pipe chase), designedto support off-the-floor plumbing fixtures (any sanitaryplumbing fixture,located adjacent to the wall,whichhas no visible contact with the floor in front of thewall) independent of the wall or partition. In additioncombination carriers for off-the-floor water closets in-clude waste fittings to convey fixture discharge to thesanitary drainage system.
4.2 Fixture Support (Carrier) – SpecificComponents
alignmenf truss: the structural member of a carrierdesigned to maintain proper spacing of other carriercomponents,usually the uprights. Sometimes calledtie rod”
anchor studs. the studs attached to the bearing platefor bottom anchoring of some types of fixtures.
bearing plate: a plate attached to the uprights withprovisions for bearing or anchor studs.
bearing studs: the studs attached to the bearing plateto hold the fixture off the wall.
concealed arm. the fixture support member that extends horizontally from the upper end of a lavatorycarrier upright and is concealed in the fixture
coupling: the component that compresses the fixturegasket and provides the conduit for waste between thefixture and carrier faceplate. Sometimes called “extension.
exposed arm: the fixture support member that extendshorizontally from the upper end of a lavatory (or sink)carrier upright, on which the fixture rests, and is fullyor partially exposed to view.

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