ASME A112.4.3:1999 pdf download

12-15-2022 comment

2.2 Materials
2.2.1 General.
The materials used in manufacturing of the joint (connection method, device, or fitting) shall be compatible with the materials with which it physically contacts and shall demonstrate, by compliance with related recognized standards or tests, its ability to function in its installed environment.
2.2.2 Free From Defects. The joint (connection method, device, or fitting) shall be free from defects or features that cause leaks or cause interference with fluid or solid flows.
2.2.3 Component Material. Component material shall comply with one of the following materials. Rigid Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) shall conform to the requirements of ASTM D 3965 cell classifications 0-0-3-2-3, 2-1-2- 1-2, or 1-0- 2-2-3. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) shall conform to the requirements of PVC 1-2-4-5-4-B, 1-2-4-5-4-C, 1-1-4-4-3-B, or 1-4-3-3-3-D, as described in ASTM D 1784. Elastomeric compounds shall conform to the chemical and physical requirements specified for elastomers in ASTM D 5926 or CSA B602.
3.1 Test Setup and Preparation
3.1.1 New joints (connection method, device, orfitting) shall be used for each test.
3.1.2 Tests shall be conducted to demonstrate theability of the connection device to seal against theintended sealing surface(s) and the dimensional toler-ances of the piping material or fitting. A joint that isdesigned to seal against the inside diameter of the pipcshall be tested with pipe samples that reflect the smallestinside dimensional tolerance and the largest insidcdimensional tolerance allowed in the relevant materialstandard(s). A joint that is designed to seal against theoutside diameter of the pipe shall be tested with pipesamples that refilect the smallest outside dimensionaltolerance and largest outside tolerance allowed in therelevant material standard(s).
3.1.3 Tests shall be performed with or without closetflanges.
3.1.4 Pipe shall be machined to obtain the dimensional requirements for testing in accordance with para2.1 within a :0.010 in. (0.25 mm) tolerance.
3.1.5 Figure I illustrates a test stand and Figs. 2through 6 illustrate the test fixtures to be used inperformance testing.
3.2 Joint Tightness
3.2.1 Pressure Test. The joint connections shall behydrostatically tested at room temperature in accordancewith paras. through 3.2.5. Test Method. The assembly shall bcfilled with water, expelling all air and pressurizing to10 psi (69 kPa). Pressure shall be maintained for 15minutes, after which the assembly shall be checkedfor leaks. Performance Requirement. No leakage shall be permitted during any pressure test.
3.2.2 Set Up #1. A connection shall be assembledaccording to manufacturer’s instructions, with Test Fixture I (see Fig. 2) and pipe with the minimum dimen.sional tolerance of the applicable I.D. or O.D. in atest stand (see Fig. 1).
3.2.3 Set Up #2, A connection shall be assembledaccording to manufacturer’s instructions, with Test Fix-ture 2 (see Fig. 3) and pipe with the maximum dimen-

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