1.1 Scope
This Standard establishes criteria for those items oftrim for water-closet bowls, tanks, and urinals knownas spuds, locknuts for spuds, fiush vaives, and fiushcibows. Requirements for fill valves (ballcocks) aredefined in ANSI/ASSE 1002.
This Standard does nol address the compatibiiityof materials. Nothing stated herein shall preclude theproduction of spccial design fush valves with uniquenon-standard features for use in low consumplionplumbing fixturcs.
1.2 Units of Measurement
Values are stated in the International System of Units(SI) and U.S. Customary units. The U.S. Customaryunits shall be considered as the standard.
The following documents form a part of this Standardto the extent specified herein. The latest issue shal!apply.ANSI/ASSE 1002,Water Closet Flush Tank BallcocksPublisher: American Society of Sanitary Engineers(ASSE),28901 Clemens Road, Westlake,OH 44145ASME B1.20.1, Pipe Threads, General Purpose (InchPublisher: The Amcrican Society of Mechanical Engi-neers (ASME), Threc Park Avcnuc,New York,N)10016
ASTM F409,Thermoplastic Accessiblc and Replaccable Plastic Tube and Tubular FittingsPublisher: Amcrican Society for Testing and Materials(ASTIM)100 Ba Harbor Drive,West Cunshohocken,PA 19428
Thrcad dimcnsions shall be as given in Tabies iand 2. Thc information provided in Appendix A is theresult of a scrics of calculations that ar specificd in ASME B1.20.1. Dimensions for regular and reducingspuds shall be as shown in Tables 1A,1B, 2A, and 2BStandard flush valves for gravity flush tanks shallconform to the dimensions of Fig. 1.Flush elhows shall conform to the dimensions inFig. 2.
4.1 Dimensional Criteria for Spuds
Dimensions for spuds shall be as shown in Tables1 and 2. Thrcad dimcnsions shall be 2-11.5 NPSIM-11-11.5 NPSM-11-11.5 NPSM-1,and -14 NPSM1 in accordance with ASME B1.20.1.(All thread dimensions are Class 1.) Thread dimensions shall be inspectedusing ring and plug gages.
4.2 Flush Valve — Means of Assembly
4.2.1 If a fiush valve is threaded and is intendedto be assembled to the fixture using a flush valve nut,the thrcads shall be eiiher.
(a) 2-11.5 NPSM Class l in accordance with ASMEB1.20.1. They shall be inspected using ring and pluggages; Or
(b) an alternated thread configuration with a maxi-mum outside diameter of 60 mm (2.37 in,). The flushvalve and flush valve nut that use an alternate threadconfiguration shall be capable of being tightened to 14N-m (i0 ibf-ft) of torque when tested in accordancewith para. 5.1.2.
4.2.2 if a flush valve is to be assembled to the fiushtank by any means other than a threaded attachment, itshall withstand a pull-out force of 267 N (60 Ibf) whentested in accordance with para. 5.2. The joint betweenthe fixture and fush valve shall not leak when testedin accordance with para. s.3.
ASME A112.19.5:1999 pdf download
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