ASME A112.19.13:2001 pdf download

12-16-2022 comment

2.4 Pump Housing
Electric motors or pump enclosures shall complywith UL 746C and be plastic rated 94-5V or better asspecified in UL 746C
2.5 Jet.Hose
Thc pummp jet hosc,if provided, shall withstand apressurc of 25 1 psi (172 6.9 kPa) for 60 min.
2.6 Printed Wiring BoardsWiring boards shall comply with UL 244A-1994.sections 14.1 and 14.2,and UL 796.
2.7 Switches
Switches shall be located in class 2 circuits only.
NOTF: A class 2 circuir is a circnit with an open potentia! of nommore than 30 V rms (42.2 V peak) supplied by either an inherentlylimited class 2 transforimer or by a transformer and fixed impedanctthat together comply with all the requirements for inherently limitedciass 2 transorners in uL1585.
2.8 Electrical Supply Cord
Electrical supply cords shall be provided with 3 ft(0.9 m) minimum, 6 ft (1.8 m) maximum of permanentlyattached cord and an attachment plug for conncctionto the branch-circuit supply. The cord shall cunfurinto UL 62 or UL 817.It shall be marked “WaterResistant”and include an equipment-grounding conductor. Where the electrical supply cord exits the fixture,thc surfacc shall be smooth, with rounded surfaces orprovided with a grommet. Seals and gaskets shallconform to UL 157.
2.9 Pump Temperature Testing
The pump shall be tested as described in para. 2.2(b).section 34 of UL 778,at the mmaximnum duty cycle thepump will allow.
2.10 Wiring Harness Entrance and LocationThe wiring harness and electrical controls not en-closed in the pump hoiising shall be located above theflood level rim of the tank or reservoir and above thedrains or overfilows.
2.11 Life Cycle Test
The electrical components and pump shall pass a75,000 life cycle test. The test shall be performed onthe water closet at the maximum cycle rate the electroniccontrols wil! allow, Upon completion of the life cycletest, the average volume per flush shall not vary morethan 0.15 gal (0.57 L) or 10%,whichever is greater
3.1 Marking
3.1.1 Water Closet. The water closet shall belegibly marked as specified in ASME A112.19.2Mand other standards rcferenccd in this Standard (sccpara.1.3).
3.1.2 Pump.The pump shall havc the followingmarkings visible on it in its normal opcrating positionand a second label visible on the exterior of the watercloset or cord stating:
WARNING:To reduce the risk of shock, connect only to a properly groundedtype receptacle, protected hy a ground-fanlt circuit interruptel(GFCI).
The word warning shall be a minimum of z2 in.
(2.4 mm) high.
3.2 instruction Manuai
An instruction mnanual shall be provided that includesinstructions for rouline mainterance and operation.

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