ASME A112.19.12:2000 pdf download

12-15-2022 comment

1.1 Scope
This Standard establishes physical mechanica!, materiai,testing,marking. and documentation requirementsfor wall mounted and pedestal mounted adjustable andpivoting iavatones and sink carrier systems intendedto facilitatc use by individuais who have impairedphysical mobility.The use of alternaie rlaieriais or methods are permitted, provided the proposed maleriai and method com-plies with the pcrformance requirements and intent ofthis Standard.
1.2 Units of Measurement
Values are statcd in U.S. Customary units and theInternational System of Units (SI). The US. Customnaryunits shal! be considered as thc standard.In this Standard, gallons (U.S. liquid) pcr minute isahhreviated gpm.
1.3 Reference Standards
The following documents form a part of this Standardto the extent specified herein, The latest issuc shallapply.
ANSI Z124.3,Plastic Lavatorics
Publisher: Internationa Association of Plumbing andMechanical Offcials (IAPMO),20001 South WalnutDrive, Walnut,CA 91789
ASME A112.18.6,Flexible Water ConnectorsASME A112.19.1M,Enameled Cast Iron PlumbingFixtures
ASMEA112.19.2M,Vitreous China Plumbing FixturesASME A112.19.3M,Stainless Steel Plumbing Fixturcs(Designed for Residentia! Use)ASME A112.19.4M,Porcelain Enameled Formcd Stccl
Plumhing Fixtures
ASME A11219.9MNon-Vitreous Ceramic PlumbingFixtures
Publisher: The American Socicty of Mechanical Engineers (ASME),Thrcc Park Avenuc,New York,NY10016; Order Dcpartment, 22 Law Drive, Box 2300,Fairfield,NJ 07007
ICC/ANSI A117.1,Accessiblc and Usable Buildingsand Facilitics
Pubiisher: International Codes Council (ICC),5203Leesburg PikeFalls Church,VA 22041
2.! Adjustable and Pivoting Lavatory andSink Carrier Systems
Adjustab!e and pivoting lavatory and sink carriersystems shall consist of a wall-mounted or pcdestal-mounted carrier with a height adjustment and/or a lateraladjustment mechanism and/or pivoting adjustment,alavatory or sink that complies with the dimensionalrequirements of ICC/ANSI A117.1,or other ASMEcited standards, a flexible waste system, and a meanslo supply water to the fxture. The flexible wastesystern shall:
(a) provide drainage of the fixture;
(b) protect the building from sewer gas; and(c) be serviceable and accessible.
2.2 Carrier
The wall-mounted or pedestal-mounted carrier shallprovide the necessary means for mounting the lavatoryor sink with an adjustable mechanism to position thefixture either vertically, laterally,or vertically and later-ally or allow the fixture to pivot up and down.
2.3 Lavatory Fixtures
Lavatory fixtures and fiexibie water suppiy connectorsshall comply with a product slandard listed below. asapplicable:
ANSI Z124.3,Plastic LavatoriesASME A112.18.6,Flexible Water Connectors

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