This Code provides test procedures, methods, anddefinitions for the performance characterization offuel cell power systems. Fuel cell power systemsinclude all components required in the conversionof input fuel and oxidizer into output electrical andthermal energy. Performance characterization of fuelsystems includes evaluating system energy inputsand electrical and thermal outputs to determine fuel-to-electrical energy conversion efficiency and whereapplicable,the overall therma! effectiveness.Theseefficiencies will be determined to an absolute uncer-tainty of less than 2% at a 95% confidence leve!(For example, for a calculated efficiency of 40%the true value lies between 38% and 42%.
This Code applies to all fuel cel! power systemsregardless of the electrical power output, thermaloutput, fuel cell type, fue type, or system application.Fuel cel! power systems contain an assembly otelectrochemical cells, which oxidize a fuel to generate direct current electricity. Balance-of-plant subsystems may include controls, thermal management,afuel processor and a power conditioner. Some fuelcell power systems may contain additiona! powergenerating equipment such as steam generators, gasturbine generators, or micro-turbine generators. Thenet power output and all the fuel input to the systemshall be taken into account in the performance testcalculations.
This Code applies to the performance of overallfuel cell power systems. The Code addresses combined heat and power systems, that is, the generationof electricity and usable heat at specific does not address the performance ofspecific subsystems nor does it apply to energystorage systems,such as regenerative fuel cells orbatteries. It also does not address emissions, reliabil-ity, safety issues, or endurance.
This Code contains methods and procedures forconducting and reporting fuel cell system testing.including instrumentation to be used, testing techniques, and methods for calculating and reportingresults.
The Code defines the test boundary for fuel andoxidant input, secondary energy input and net electrical and thermal energy output. At these boundariesthis Code provides procedures for measuring temperaturepressure,input fuel flow and compositionelectrical power,and thermal output.
The Code provides procedures for determination otelectrical efficiency or heat rate and overall thermaeffectiveness at rated or any other steady-state condi-tion. The Code also provides the method to correctresults from the test to reference conditions.
In accordance with ASME PTC 19.1,proceduresare provided for determining the uncertainty associated with the calculated performance parameters otthis Code (energy input, electrical energy and thermaloutputs,and electrical efficiency or heat rate). Inthe measurements made to determine performanceparameters, there are systematic errors produced bythe procedures and instrumentation recommendedin this Code. A table of these systematic errors maybe found in Section 4 of this Code.Sample calculations of the uncertainties associatedwith the system performance parameters, which illustrate the effects of systematic errors and data, arepresented in Mandatory Appendix ! of this Code.A pretest uncertainty analysis is recommendedThe pretest analysis allows corrective action to betaken prior to the test, which will either decreasethe uncertainty to an appropriate level consistentwith the overall objective of the test or will reducethe cost of the test while still attaining the testuncertainty.
A post-test uncertainty analysis is mandatory. ltwill make use of empirical data to determine randormeasurement errors and test observations to establishwhether or not the required uncertainty has beenachieved.
This uncertainty procedure serves as a guide forpretest and post-test uncertainty calculations whenthe Code is used.
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