ASME 3977-2:2000 pdf download

12-15-2022 comment

ASME 3977-2:2000 pdf download GAS TURBINES: PROCUREMENT Pat2: Standard Reference Conitions and Ratings
This Part of ASME 3977 specifies the standardreference conditions and ISO standard ratings for gasturbines.
The following standard contains provisions whichthrough rcfcrcncc in this text, constitute provisions olthis Part of ASME 3977. At thc timc of publicationthe edition indicated was valid. All standards arc subjecito revision, and parties to agreements based on thisPart of ASME 3977 are encouraged to investigate thepossibility of applying the most recent edition of thestandard indicated below
IS() 2314: 1989,Gas turbines — Acceptance Tests.
3 STANDARD REFERENCE CONDITIONSThe standard reference conditions on which power.efficiency, heat rate, and specific fuel consumption arehased are as specified in 3.1 through 3.4.
3.1 Air Intake Conditione
For the intake air at the compressor flange (altemnatively, the compressor intake fare), as described inISO 2314: 1989,6.6.2, the conditions shall be:(a) a total pressure of 101.3 kPa (14.696 psia):(b) a total temperature of 15°C (59°F);(c) a relative humidity of 60%.
3.2 Exhaust Conditions
For the exhaust at the turbine exhaust fange (orregenerator outlet, if a regenerative cycle is used), thestatic pressure sha!! be 10!.3 kPa (14.696 psia).
3.3 Cooling Water Conditions (if Applicable)The inlet water temperature shal! be 1S°C (S9°F) ifcooling of the working fluid is used.
3.4 Working Fluid Heater or Cooler
Whcre a hcater or a cooler is used that uses amnbientair, the standard reference conditions of the ambientair shall be 15°C (59) and 101.3 kPa (14.696 psia)
4.1 Generai
4.1.1 The output power of a given gas turbine ata givcn reference turbine inlet temperature is,in general.proportional to the absolute ambicnt pressure and isalso greatly dependent on the air intake tempcraturc(normally outside dry bulb temperature). Likewise, theoutput at a given air intake temperature is dependenton the reference turbine inlet temperature. To achievea rating, it is necessary to adopt standard conditionsof amhient femperature and pressure, but gas turbineratings will nevertheless vary considerably owing tothe differing operational modes demanded of them aswell as the varying criteria used in the design of thebasic elements. ISO standard ratings neglect pressuredrop at the iniet and exhaust but site ratings aiiow forthese losses.
NOTE: Steam or water injection may be used to increase the poweroutput and to roduce the NO,cmissions.
4.1.2 The pcrformance ratings of gas turbincs shallbe assessed on the nct specific cncrgy of the fuel used,as follows:
(a) turbines intended for use on liquid fuci: 42 000kJ/kg (18,060 btu/bm);
(b) turbines intended for use on gaseous fuel (100%methanc): 50 000 kj/kg (21,500 btu/lbmn).
The specific encrgy at constant pressure of the fuel.whcther liquid, gascous, or solid, is based on a pressureof 10!.3 kPa (14.696 psia) and a temperature of 15°C(59F)

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