AS NZS 60598.2.12:2015 pdf download.Luminaires Part 2.12: Particular requirements—Mains socket-outlet mounted nightlights (IEC 60598-2-12, Ed 2.0 (2013) MOD).
12.7 Construction
The provisions of Section 4 of IEC 60598-1 apply together with the following.
12.7,1 The plug portion of a mains socket-outlet mounted nightlight shall comply with the appropriate national standard sheets of IEC/TR 60083.
Compliance is checked by inspection, by measurement and where appropriate, by the use of gauges in accordance with the National Standard.
12.7.2 The plug portion of a mains socket-outlet mounted nightlight shall comply in all other respects with the appropriate constructional requirements of IEC 60884-1 or applicable National Standard.
Compliance is checked by application of the applicable tests of fEC 60884-1 or the applicable National Standard
12.7.3 The mechanical strength tests of 4.13.1 of lEG 60598-1 shall be applied utilizing the forces prescribed in Table 4.3 of IEC 60598-1 for portable luminaries for children.
12.7.4 Covers of mains socket-outlet mounted nightlights shall be so designed that when assembled as in normal use, the ability of the mains socket-outlet nightlight to resist penetration of the cover shall be verified by the following test:
Compliance is checked by, during the test of 12.4.1 of IEC 60598-1, measuring the temperatures of the places where the possibility of a failure exists. Immediately following the test, the sample is placed in a heating cabinet as used in 13.2.1 of IEC 60598-1 such that the highest of the temperatures measured is achieved.
Whilst maintained at these temperatures the test probe 19 of IEC 61032:1997 is applied to the accessible surface with a force of 30 N. It shall not be possible to touch live parts and, for Class II socket-outlet mounted nightlights, parts with basic insulation.
12.7.5 It shall not be possible to change a lamp whilst the mains socket-outlet mounted nightlight is connected to the supply.
The means of retention of any cover on a mains socket-outlet mounted nightlight shall be such that the cover cannot be removed when the mains socket-outlet mounted nightlight is inserted in a corresponding socket-outlet. Any cover fixing screw shall be captive or, alternatively, where lamp replacement is not to be undertaken by the user, be of a special type requiring the use of a special tool.
Compliance is checked by inspection.
12.7.6 The base and cover of a mains socket-outlet mounted nightlight shall be firmly secured to each other.
NOTE In Australia and New Zealand, additional requirements apply.
Compliance is checked by the following test, as applicable, immediately following the test of 12.4.1 of IEC 60598-1 with the sample maintained at the temperatures attained during that test in a heating cabinet as used in 13.2.1 of IEC 60598-1.
a) Each cover fixing screw has a pull of 90t N exerted upon it for 60 s s.
NOTE It may be necessary to perform the test with the cover removed and the cover fixing device inserted to the same extent as with the cover fitted in normal use.
At the end of the test, any cover fixing screw shall be serviceable and the cover remaining in place so that it shall not be possible to touch internal live parts of the mains socket- outlet mounted nightlight with test probe 19 of IEC 6 1032:1997 applied with a force of
55 N.
b) For mains socket-outlet mounted nightlights having covers fixed by means other than screws, for example rivets, mechanical clips, adhesive or ultrasonic welding, all the plug pins are clamped together in a suitable jig and subjected to a pull force of 90 N exerted upon it for 60 s ± 5 s whilst suspending the plug cover by a suitable means to suit the cover profile.
At the end of the test, it shall not be possible to touch internal live parts of the mains socket- outlet mounted nightlight with test probe 19 of IEC 61032:1997 applied with a force of 5 N.
12.7.7 The mass and design of a mains socket-outlet mounted nightlight shall be such that it does not impose undue strain on an appropriate socket-outlet.
Compliance is checked by inserting the mains socket-outlet mounted nightlight into a socketoutlet complying with the relevant standard sheet of IEC/TR 60083. The socket-outlet is then pivoted about its horizontal axis, 8 mm behind its engagement face and parallel with it, with its centre equidistant from pin centres. The additional torque which has to be applied to the socket-outlet to maintain the engagement face in the vertical plane shall not be greater than 0,25 Nm.AS NZS 60598.2.12 pdf download.
AS NZS 60598.2.12:2015 Mains socket-outlet mounted nightlights
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