AS 4287:2016 pdf – Child use and care articles- Child seats for cycles – Safety requirements and test methods

07-25-2021 comment

AS 4287:2016 pdf download.Child use and care articles- Child seats for cycles- Safety requirements and test methods (EN 14344:2004, MOD).
6 Construction
6.1 Dimensions
6.1.1 Seating area and footrests Requirements for seating area and footrests
The dimensions of the main child supporting areas of the seat shall comply with items a, b, C, d, e and f in Table 2, when measured in accordance with NOTE I The reference plane of this measuring instrument lies approximately 55 mm above the sitting area, and measurements are made at or relative to this plane. Dimensions c and d in Table 2 are therefore some 55 mm less than the full dimensions of these features, whereas the dimensions in f are greater by a similar amount. NOTE 2 The items h, i and j are not requirements but necessary points for the measuring instrument. NOTE 3 For item f: the length of the lower leg is adjustable. Mounting method for measuring instrument
The dimensions of the seat shall be checked using the measuring instrument described in Annex A. Mount the seat on a cycle or similar fixture, with any padding supplied with the seat fitted in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Place the measuring instrument in the seat with the point A touching the centre of the lower backrest area. Load the measuring instrument with a mass of 5 kg centred above point C and adjust the orientation of the seat until the reference plane of the instrument becomes horizontal. NOTE When measuring the padded areas it is permitted that the measuring instrument is loaded to compress any padding in a similar way to a child sifting in the seat. Test method for seating area and footrest
Take measurements relative to the points on the reference plane of the measuring instrument as follows (see Figure A.2):
a) measure the inside width of the seat, through point B ; check that this complies with the requirements given in Table 2, line a;
b) slide the 60 mm by 15 mm diameter pillar along the thigh scale until it touches the edge of the seat. The seat length is the distance between the edge of this pillar and point A ; check that this complies with the requirements given in Table 2, line b;
c) measure to the top centre of the backrest from point A. Take the linear distance between these two points using a calliper, or, if using the measuring instrument as shown, calculate from the vertical and horizontal displacement relative to point A; check that this distance complies with the requirements given in Table 2, line c. If the child seat is fitted with an adjustable headrest measure to the top centre of the headrest, the headrest being in the lowest position;
d) measure vertically above point B to a horizontal straightedge laid across the seat sides ; check that this distance complies with the requirement given in Table 2, line d
e) measure the maximum overall width and length of the area intended to support the child’s foot, and check that the dimensions comply with the requirements, given in Table 2, line e;
f) set the end of the thigh scale the knee point E to the shorter of the two distances h from point D, as specified in Table 2, line h. Adjust the footrest to its highest position. Using the leg and foot component of the measuring instrument with the heel against the back of the footrest, check that the distance from E to F is not more than the smaller value of f (given in Table 2, line f). Re-set the knee point to the longer of the two distances h, adjust the footrest to its lowest position and check that the distance E to F is not less than the larger value of f (given in Table 2, line f);
g) place a vertical straightedge on the reference plane touching the front edges of the seat sides. Check whether point C is between the straightedge and backrest of the seat. Requirement for footrest adjustment
The height of the footrests shall be adjustable, either continuously or in steps of 40 mm or less, throughout a range of positions equal to or exceeding the range defined by f). Test method for footrest adjustment
Take the difference between the maximum and the minimum distances E to F found by the method stated in f), and divide by the number of possible footrest positions minus one to find the average adjustment step. Check that this does not exceed the maximum specified in
6.1.2 Centre of gravity mark for rear seats Requirements for the centre of gravity mark for rear seats
Rear seats shall have a centre of gravity mark(s). This centre of gravity mark(s) shall be located on the same vertical and transverse plane as the centre of gravity for the seat with a child of maximum weight sat in it. When tested in accordance with this centre of gravity mark shall be behind or no more than 10 mm in front of the theoretical centre of gravity.AS 4287 pdf download.

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