API SPEC 2F:1997 pdf download

12-15-2022 comment

API SPEC 2F:1997 pdf download.Specification for Mooring Chain
4 Chain Requirements and Tests
Chain shall be manufactured in continuous lengths. For identification during manufacture, each length of chain should be marked with a metal band strapped around the stud of the second link from either end of the total length. The length number shall be stamped on the metal band. No number should be duplicated.
During manufacture, a specimen consisting of at least four links shall be taken from the chain in accordance with Table 4 to provide the test specimen for break tests and mechanical property measurements. After removal of the specimen from the chain, the specimen shall be identified with a metal band placed around the stud of one of the links. The identification shall include the order number, the chain length number, and the test specimen number (for example, 2-2-3 could denote the second order, the second length of chain, and the third specimen removed from the second length of chain). A metal band with the same marking shall be placed around the stud of the last link in the continuous portion of the chain to denote the location where the specimen was removed. After removal of the specimen, manufacture of the chain shall resume with a new common link being inserted into the last link of the continuous chain length previously constructed.
The studs shall be drop-forged and shall not have lugs or protrusions on either end. After the stud is inserted into the oval link, unless otherwise agreed, it shall be circumferen- tially welded in place on the end opposite the flash weld. The size of the fillet weld will comply with the data shown in Fig- ure 3 and Table 5. Only low-hydrogen electrodes shall be used, and the welds are to have good penetration with a maxi- mum undercut not to exceed 1 ⁄ 32 inch (1 millimeter). All weld- ing shall be performed prior to the final heat treatment. Studs and chain shall meet the same material chemical specification per Table 1.
Break tests shall be conducted. A specimen consisting of at least three links shall be tested for each length of chain as indicated in Table 6. Each specimen shall be subjected to the breaking load specified in Table 6 or Table 7. Specimens shall be manufactured at the same time as the length of chain and attached so that they will be heat treated along with the length of chain. The specimen will be considered to have success- fully passed the test if there is no sign of fracture after appli- cation of the required load. If the first test fails, one additional specimen may be cut out of the same length of chain at a point adjacent to where the first specimen was removed and subjected to the specified breaking load. If the second speci- men fails, the length of chain shall be rejected.

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