API Spec 15LR:2001(R2013) pdf download.Specification for Low Pressure Fiberglass Line Pipe
1 Scope
This speciÞcation covers Þlament wound (FW) and centrif- ugally cast (CC) Þberglass line pipe and Þttings for pipe in diameters up to and including 24 in. in diameter and up to and including 1000 psig cyclic operating pressures. In addition, at the manufacturerÕs option, the pipe may also be rated for static operating pressures up to 1000 psig. It is recommended that the pipe and Þttings be purchased by cyclic pressure rat- ing. The standard pressure ratings range from 150 psig to 300 psig in 50 psig increments, and from 300 psig to 1000 psig in 100 psig increments, based on either cyclic pressure (ref. 5.5.1) or static pressure (ref. 5.5.2). Quality control tests, hydrostatic mill tests, dimensions, weights, material proper- ties, physical properties, and minimum performance require- ments are included.
Pipe furnished to this speciÞcation shall be tested by the manufacturer as follows: 5.2.1 The short-term test which shall be performed at ambient temperature at the minimum frequency of one per lot as deÞned in 6.1.2 shall be one of the following: a. Short-time hydrostatic failure pressure per ASTM D-1599. b. Cyclic Pressure Strength (short-term) per ASTM D-2143 for 750 cycles minimum. 5.2.2 One long-term cyclic hydrostatic regression test to determine the hydrostatic design basis (HDB) shall be per- formed at 150¡F 1 on pipe manufactured by each process which contains no signiÞcant product characteristic differ- ences such as listed in Appendix E. The tests shall be con- ducted as follows: 1 Note: When pipe is to be rated for temperatures higher than 150¡F, the tests shall be conducted at the higher temperature. Initial Tests Long-term cyclic hydrostatic pressure tests shall be in compliance with ASTM D-2992 Procedure A. Any ASTM D 2992 test started after the effective date of this Seventh Edi- tion of API SpeciÞcation 15LR shall have DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) data on each test sample in accor- dance with Appendix B. Requalification Tests for Pipe and Prime Connection and Fittings Changes as described in Appendix E for previously quali- Þed systems shall require the following minimum tests: The long-term cyclic and static (if used) LTHS shall be veriÞed at 150¡F, or higher temperature if so rated, after any changes described in Appendix E by conducting the abridged tests required by Section 12 of ASTM D 2992 Procedure A and/or B (as required) (free-end). Test samples shall be assembled by the manufacturerÕs documented joining proce- dure. Test samples shall be a size no smaller than 2 in. nomi- nal diameter. The same outside diameter to reinforced wall ratio (D/t) used in original qualiÞcation tests shall apply for requaliÞcation.
API Spec 15LR:2001(R2013) pdf download
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