API SPEC 15HR:2001 pdf download.Specification for High Pressure Fiberglass Line Pipe
If only one regression test as defined above is conducted, the Specification 15HR Standard Pressure Rating shall be based on that test and shall be valid up to and including the test temperature. Additional regression tests as defined above may be conducted. If additional regression tests as defined above are conducted the following rules apply. 1. Pressure ratings at temperatures between the test tem- peratures shall be based on a linear interpolation between closest two temperatures at which tests have been con- ducted. No extrapolation beyond the temperatures at which data is available is allowed. The pressure rating below the lowest temperature at which data is available shall be based on the lowest temperature at which data is available. 2. The Specification 15HR Standard Pressure Rating shall be at 150°F. This rating shall be based on data at 150°F if available, otherwise, this rating shall be interpo- lated from data above and below 150°F. 3. The proof test pressure shall be based on the Specifica- tion 15HR Standard Pressure Rating.
5.1.2 Fittings
a. Test the highest anticipated pressure class in the four inch size and its pipe and prime connection. b. Test temperature, 150°F or higher. c. Pressure test 6 fittings of each type (90° elbow, 45° elbow, tee). At the manufacturer’s option; the 90° may be used to qualify all elbows and couplings. d. Each fitting shall be joined to pipe using the manufac- turer’s documented makeup procedure. Thread dimensions and DSC T g (per Appendix C) shall be recorded for each fitting. e. The end caps shall be unrestrained and there shall be at least 12 in. of pipe between the end enclosure and the fitting. The assembly for each average time to failure shall be placed on test at the same pressures. The assemblies shall be on test at pressures such that two failures are obtained in each of the following time ranges:
5.3.2 Standard Thread Design a. Pipe threads shall conform to API Standard 5B Threading, Gaging and Thread Inspection of Casing, Tubing and Line Pipe. Threads, with the thread dimensions in Table 2.6a, Exter- nal Upset Tubing Long Thread Dimension for Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Tubing, and Table 2.3, Casing Long- Thread Dimensions. For the purpose of this specification, lengths L 2 and L 4 , in API Standard 5B, Table 2.6a and Table 2.3 shall be minimum dimensions. Any extra threads shall be added to the tube side of the thread. b. Thread tolerances will be defined in API Standard 5B, Table 2.10, Tolerances in Linepipe Thread and Casing and Tubing Round Thread Dimensions. c. Round threads shall have a fully rounded thread root and crest as conceptually illustrated in API Standard 5B, Figure 2.4, Casing and Tubing Round Thread Form. For 8 round threads, thread root radius shall be 0.017 in. ± 0.0015 in. Thread crest radius shall be 0.020 in. ± 0.0015 in. For 10 round threads, thread root radius shall be 0.014 in. ± 0.0015 in. Thread crest radius shall be 0.017 in. ± 0.0015 in. d. Threads for the 10-inch size only shall be per API Stan- dard 5B, Table 6, Casing Short–Thread Dimensions.
API SPEC 15HR:2001 pdf download
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