API RP 9000:1998 pdf download

12-15-2022 comment

API RP 9000:1998 pdf download.Management Practices, Self-Assessment Process, and Resource Materials
2.1 Background
Pollution prevention is a multimedia approach that emphasizes eliminating pollution at the source. It tablishes a process that may create opportunities for (a) improving the environment, (b) developing the most cost-effective solutions, (c) eliminating the need for additional command and control regulations. and (d) demonstrating positive industry support for environ- mental programs. In practice, there is often disagreement over just what pollution prevention really means or includes. Some see it exclusively as toxics use reduction or industrial source reduction, whereas others include recycling. The following is the working API definition: Pollution prevention is a multimedia concept that reduces or eliminates pollutant discharges to air, water, or land and in- cludes the development of more environmentally acceptable products, changes in processes and practices, source reduction, beneficial use and environmentally sound recycling. The pollution prevention management practices (see Table 1) apply generally to all operations. Substantial manned facilities, such as refineries, major gas proc- essing plants, and major distribution terminals, should develop pollution prcvention programs. However, a company is not expected to design a unique program for each small facility, such as an individual service station, distribution plant, or production lease site. Companies can choose to organize their pollution prevention grams at an appropriate regional or central managerial level at which staff can assist in addressing the concerns of citizens, officials, employees, and customers.
2.2 Practical Implementation
Achievement of pollution prevention goals will occur over time and will require a transition from today’s emissions control practices to a process that encourages businesses to voluntarily conduct a critical review of their use of materials, their processes and practices, and their products to search for ways to reduce or eliminate pollution. The evolution of technology and availability of resources are among the many factors that will affect this transition. A practical approach to implementation encourages the concepts of striving to conduct opera- tions in an environmentally sound manner, to produce environmentally acceptable products, and to move up the environmental management hierarchy in operations (that is, from treatment to environmentally sound recy- cling and beneficial use, from recycling and beneficial use to source reduction). The following management practices for pollution prevention represent the practical embodiment of the

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