API RP 74:2001(R2013) pdf download

12-17-2022 comment

API RP 74:2001(R2013) pdf download.Recommended Practice for Occupational Safety for Onshore Oil and Gas Production Operation
A Hazard Communication Program that evaluates the pres- ence and potential hazards of chemicals found in the work- place shall be established for onshore oil and gas production operations. Workers shall be provided with information con- cerning the hazard of chemicals and appropriate measures to protect themselves while working with hazardous chemicals. The program shall be written and include information about hazard evaluation, labeling, material safety data sheets, employee training and methods to review and update changes in the program based on chemical usage. Elements of a program include: a. Hazard EvaluationÑAn inventory of all the hazardous chemicals in the work area shall be completed. An evaluation of the potential hazard of a chemical should be conducted before the hazardous chemical is handled. Generally applica- ble measures including engineering controls, safe work practices and PPE should be considered for safe handling and use of a hazardous chemical. This information shall be com- municated to the worker. b. LabelingÑa labeling system shall be developed that warns of the potential hazards of working with a hazardous chemi- cal. Hazardous chemicals shall identify (at minimum) the material or substance and the physical and health hazards. c. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)ÑChemical manufac- turers are normally responsible for developing MSDSs. A MSDS shall be available and readily accessible for each haz- ardous chemical used in the workplace. A system to collect, maintain, and inform workers about the chemical hazard information found on a MSDS shall be part of the program.d. TrainingÑPersonnel should be provided hazard commu- nication training upon: 1. Initial assignment to a work area. 2. When a new chemical has been introduced. 3. A new physical or health hazard has been identiÞed or a process change has occurred that involves a hazardous chemical. At minimum the training should include: 1. Information regarding the method and observations that can be used to detect the presence of a release of a hazardous chemical in the work area. 2. Physical and health hazard information. 3. Measures to protect the worker from harmful exposure, including, engineering, safe work practices, emergency procedures, PPE use, etc. 4. SpeciÞc details on how to recognize and understand labels in the work area, MSDS interpretation, and safe procedures when working with hazardous chemicals. e. Non-Routine TaskÑspecial considerations should be developed to handle non-routine work (e.g., upset or emer- gency conditions, cleaning out vessels). f. ContractorsÑHazard communication information shall be shared with contractors and their employees. Refer to API RP 2221.

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