API RP 49:2001(R2013) pdf download

12-17-2022 comment

API RP 49:2001(R2013) pdf download.Recommended Practice for Drilling and Well Servicing Operations Involving Hydrogen Sulfide
The petroleum industry, through many years of research and operating experience, has developed guidelines and stan- dards for safe operations under conditions involving hydro- gen sulÞde. Continuing industry efforts, which include planning, prudent selection and layout of equipment, prudent selection of materials, operating and emergency procedures, specialized safety equipment, and appropriate personnel training, have contributed to successful and safe operations. Effective response to emergencies requires prior planning. Good engineering practice (engineering and administrative controls) dictates that operations systems be designed to min- imize exposure of personnel and the public to hydrogen sul- Þde and sulfur dioxide.
1 Scope
Recommendations set forth in this publication apply to oil and gas well drilling and servicing operations involving hydrogen sulÞde. These operations include well drilling, completion, servicing, workover, downhole maintenance, and plug and abandonment procedures conducted with hydrogen sulÞde present in the ßuids being handled. Coverage of this publication is applicable to operations conÞned to the original wellbore or original total depth and applies to the selection of materials for installation or use in the well and in the well drilling or servicing operation(s). The presence of hydrogen sulÞde in these operations also presents the possibility of exposure to sulfur dioxide from the combustion of hydrogen sulÞde. Refer to Section 4 for applicability of this standard. This standard addresses personnel training, personnel pro- tective equipment, contingency planning and emergency pro- cedures, classiÞcation of locations, materials and equipment, operations, rig practices, special operations, offshore opera- tions, characteristics of hydrogen sulÞde and sulfur dioxide, and evaluation and selection of hydrogen sulÞde monitoring equipment.
This publication presents recommended practices and pre- cautions deemed pertinent to protect personnel and the public from exposure to potentially hazardous concentrations of hydrogen sulÞde and sulfur dioxide. These recommended practices recognize that owners, operators, contractors, and their employees have separate responsibilities that may be contractual in nature. It is not the intent of these recom- mended practices to alter the contractual relationship(s) between the parties. Some of the practices recommended herein are mandatory by local, state, or federal laws, rules, and regulations. Because of the functional and geographical diversity of these requirements, no attempt has been made in these recommended practices to designate which are optional and which are required. Furthermore, even if all the practices recommended herein are followed, there still may be existing or future legally imposed laws or regulations which would not be met. In the event of any omission or conßict between these recommended practices and legally required action(s), the requirements of laws and regulations must control. Some of the federal regulations (standards) pertinent to safe well drilling and servicing operations involving hydrogen sulÞde are listed in Section 2. Users of this publication should review these regulations and other federal, state, and local laws to assure appropriate compliance in their speciÞc operations.

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