API RP 2X:2004(R2015) pdf download.Recommended Practice for Ultrasonic and Magnetic Examination of Offshore Structural Fabrication and Guidelines for Qualification of Technicians
1 Scope
This recommended practice (RP) for nondestructive exam- ination (NDE) of offshore structural fabrication and guide- lines for qualification of personnel contains guidance on NDE methods which have evolved from fabrication experience with offshore structures. These methods are commonly used and have found acceptance due to their reliable detection of discontinuities. The five NDE methods routinely used in off- shore structural fabrication are visual (VT), penetrant (PT), magnetic particle (MT), radiography (RT), and ultrasonic (UT) examinations. This recommended practice primarily addresses the MT and UT methods. Guidance on VT, PT and RT is incorporated by reference to ANSI/AWS D1.1. Further recommendations are offered for determining the qualifica- tions of personnel using MT and UT techniques. Recommen- dations are also offered for the integration of these techniques into a general quality control program. The interrelationship between joint design, the significance of defects in welds, and the ability of NDE personnel to detect critical-size defects is also discussed. THIS DOCUMENT IS NEITHER A CODE NOR A SPEC- IFICATION AND SHOULD NOT BE UTILIZED AS SUCH BY THE OPERATOR.
4 Planning
4.1 These recommendations are intended to serve as guidelines for establishing a controlled program of nonde- structive examination by magnetic particle and ultrasonic methods during fabrication and installation of offshore facilities. They are intended to be used in the context of a comprehensive fracture control plan that includes design philosophy and material selection as well as NDE. IT IS INTENDED THAT THE OPERATOR’S NDE SPECIAL- IST DEVELOP DETAILED PROCEDURES FOR EXAM- INATION. THESE DETAILED PROCEDURES SHOULD DRAW ON THE TECHNICAL GUIDANCE IN SEC- TIONS 7 AND 8, TOGETHER WITH PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS AS DESCRIBED IN SECTION 5, WHICH SHOULD PROVIDE THE TECHNICAL BASIS FOR A NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROGRAM.
4.2 These recommendations assume that the design of the structure is performed in accordance with the API Recom- mended Practices 2A-WSD or 2A-LRFD. The operator and the designer should recognize the potential that undetected flaws may exist in the structure even after inspection and examina- tion by qualified personnel. In establishing NDE requirements, consideration should be given to the ease or difficulty of suc- cessful joining of specific details, accessibility by other exami- nation methods, feasibility of repair, and the significance of a failure to structural integrity. Both the extent of the examination and the acceptance criteria are closely related to these issues.
API RP 2X:2004(R2015) pdf download
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