API RP 13E:1993 pdf download

12-16-2022 comment

API RP 13E:1993 pdf download.Recommended Practice for Shale Shaker Screen Cloth Designation
1. 1 Description a. Oil field shaker screens are manufactured in a num- ber of configurations. This diversity in manufacturing causes considerable confusion about the performance characteristics of each type of screen. Consequently, selecting the properscreen fo r a particular applica- tion frequently becomes a matter of trial and error. b. In order to provide a common ground for comparing the separation characteristics of different types of screens, a tag will be affIxed to the screen in such a position that it will be both visible and legible after the screen is installed in the shaker. The exact place- ment of thetag and its material composition are left to the discretion of the supplier. The information contained on thetag will be recorded in such a man- ner that it will remain indelible for the life of the screen. c. The components of the designation system provide a complete description ofthe screen’ s identification and performance parameters. The designation system consists of the following elements: Manufacturer’ s Designation
1. 3 Separation Potential a. The separation potential of the screen is recorded in terms of the d so ‘ dl6′ and d S4 “Cute’ points. The “Cutt” points are the spherical diameters corresponding to the ellipsoidal volume distribution of the screen’ s opening sizes. The separation potential of a screen is presumed to be directly related to this distribution. This is usually a valid assumption since the relative separation efficiency of shaker screens c must be re- lated to the size of their openings. “Cutt” point meas- urements are described in Section 3. *NOTE: The terminology “Cutt” (pronounced”hoot”) point isused to differentiate separation potential from the traditional particle size cut points normally asso- ciated with separation devices. The terminologyrec- ognizes the efforts of the individual who first applied the technique to shaker screen cloths and published theresults in SPE Paper #22570, “Shaker ScreenChar- acterization Through Image Analysis. ” b. The term “separation potential” is used because the experimentally determined grade separation efficiency curve will not necessarily agree with the separation potential curve. Factors such as solids loading, fluid viscosity, shaker dynamics, and drill cuttings shapewill have a considerable effect on the experimentally determined grade separation efficiency. However, the ranking of each screen’s relative separation ability under similar conditions will be in agreement between the two methods. Because separation potential is a function of only the screen composition, it provides a constant scale by which to rank the separation per- formance of shaker screens.

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