API RP 1127:1993 pdf download

12-16-2022 comment

API RP 1127:1993 pdf download.Marine Vapor Control Training Guidelines
The objective of this recommended practice is to provide guidelines for developing marine vapor control (also referred to as marine emission control) shore and shipboard training programs in order to comply with U.S. Coast Guard regula – tions (33 Code of Federal Regulations Part 154.840 and 46 of Federal Regulations Part 39.10 – 1 1). These regula – tions outline vapor collection system safety requirements for the transfer of crude oil, gasoline, and benzene. This recommended is not intended to be a com – prehensive technical document. Where appropriate, training supervisors must expand on the facility – specific procedures to be followed. This recommended practice does review the U.S. Coast Guard regulatory requirements for safe operation of vapor control systems. Persons needing technical informa – tion on a particular marine vapor control system must not use this document but must refer to the appropriate manufac – turer’s technical documents or similar materials. Training pervisors must also be aware that state regulations may sometimes exceed federal guidelines. When this occurs, the state regulations must be followed.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) cur- rently has requirements for collecting emissions from ben- zene loading (see Appendix E) . The EPA is developing additional regulation s for collecting emis sions from any cargo that is considered a volatile organic compound (VOC). Several states and local juri sdiction s are proposing , or al- ready have proposed, requirement s for the control of emis- sions from the loading of gasoline or crnde oil. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), while not requiring marine vapor control, does regulate per- sonnel exposure to certain vapors, and such exposure is lim- ited as a result of marine vapor control. While the deci sion to require marine vapor control is made by environmental or health agencies , regulations for marine system safety are the sole responsibility of the U.S. Coast Guard. The U.S. Coast Guard published regulations on Jtme 22, 1990, governing the safety of all aspects of marine vapor control systems , whether located on shore or on ves- sels. These regulation s became effective July 23 , 1990, and are applicable to all systems that recover or destroy e1nis- sions from the loading of vessels . The regulations represent a set of 1ninimum requirements for marine e1nission control installations. All facilities must meet these guidelines . However, some facilities may exceed the minimmn standards.

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