API RP 1007:2001(R2011) pdf download.Loading and Unloading of MC 306/DOT 406 Cargo Tank Motor Vehicles
1.1 Scope
Ensuring the safe and efficient loading and delivery of petroleum products to retail service stations and bulk facilities is the primary goal for all companies that transport product. This document is a guideline for use by the truck driver and persons responsible for the load- ing and unloading of MC306/DOT406 cargo tanks. It identifies specific steps to ensure that product can be loaded into tank trucks and unloaded into both under- ground and aboveground storage tanks in a safe and efficient manner that protects the environment. It is intended to be used in conjunction with existing driver training programs and procedures. This document was prepared by a joint task force made up of representatives from the Petroleum Marketers Association of America, the National Association of Convenience Stores, the Society of Independent Gasoline Marketers of America, American Petroleum Institute, U.S. Department of Transportation, and the National Tank Truck Carriers, Incorporated.
2.1 Introduction
Tank truck vehicles can be safely loaded when all equipment is used properly and when the person respon- sible for loading follows prescribed safety procedures. The driver (or loader) should be alert, equipment should be properly maintained and safeguards against spillage, fire or product contamination should be rigidly observed. In order to prevent product mixtures, the driver should be familiar with the color-coding used to identify loading and receiving equipment. For product color code, refer to API RP 1637, “Using the API Color-Symbol System to Mark Equipment & Vehicles for Product Identification at Service Stations and Distribution Terminals”. Note: Some loading facilities may utilize a color-coding system different from API RP 1637. The driver should check with the facility management to assure familiarity with the color-coding system used at each specific loading facility. CAUTION: For switch-loading procedures (i.e., loading distillate when the prior product carried in the tank or compartment was gas- oline or other flammable liquid), the driver (or loader) should check with the terminal personnel or dispatcher for instructions. Also refer to API RP 2003, Protection Against Ignitions Arising Out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents.
2.2 Pre-loading Procedures
The driver (loader) should determine the product to be loaded into each tank truck and compartment. Note the compartment number on the shipping paper for ref- erence when both loading and unloading. Shipping Papers must be handled in accordance with load rack procedures and must be completed and carried on the truck during transport to comply with U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations. Check the cargo tank and compartments as to prod- uct(s) previously delivered and if necessary follow cleaning, flushing and drainage procedures in accor- dance with load rack procedures.
API RP 1007:2001(R2011) pdf download
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