API PUBL 4722:2002 pdf download

12-16-2022 comment

API PUBL 4722:2002 pdf download.Groundwater Sensitivity
Groundwater sensitivity is a key consideration in the development and implementation of appropriate corrective actions at potential release sites, such as leaking underground storage tanks, landfills, and other sources. Experience shows that actual impacts on critical water supply resources have occurred at a relatively small number of sites. Due to the risk of potential exposure, these high-sensitivity sites should warrant a large percentage of the available public and private resources for release prevention, assessment, and remediation. However, practical, site-specific measures of groundwater sensitivity may not be sufficiently considered in release prevention efforts and the development of remediation goals. As a result, low sensitivity and high sensitivity sites may be frequently treated as equivalent concerns. This results in an inefficient allocation of available remediation/prevention dollars. The Groundwater Sensitivity Toolkit is a decision support expert system that allows a user to enter site-specific parameters to generate a scorecard for that site. This scorecard, when compared to the scores for other sites in a portfolio, gives the decision-maker insight into how resources should be allocated amongst the portfolio.
1. If groundwater use is precluded by some type of regulation or law (such as a no-pumping rule) then the Res our c e Value is def ined as LOW  as it is not us able as a r es our c e for water-supply purposes.For the purposes of this software, the software development committee used a distance of 2500 ft to determine if water supply wells (either domestic, municipal, irrigation, or industrial) that are screened in the water-bearing unit have the potential for being affected by the site of interest. This distance was based on general experience about the potential conservative (high-end) length of contaminant plumes. 4. If there is a formally adopted water supply plan (adopted by regulatory body such as a city, county, regional planning board, state, etc.) that indicates that the unit may be used as adrinking water supply in the near future (i.e., within a few years), then the Resource Value is autom atic ally upgr aded to MEDIUM.

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