API PUBL 31101:1993 pdf download

12-16-2022 comment

API PUBL 31101:1993 pdf download.Environmental Design Considerations for Petroleum Refining Crude Processing Units
The Pollution Prevention Task Force (PPTF) of the American Petroleum Institute (API) has developed the following working definition of pollution prevention: “Pollution prevention is a multi-media concept that reduces or eliminates pollutant discharges to air, water, or land and includes the development of more environmentally acceptable products, changes in processes and practices, source reduction, beneficial use and environmentally sound recycling.” The PPTF and the API Committee on Refinery Environmental Control (CREC) recognize the importance of developing pollution prevention strategies for refineries. This study was initiated to investigate how the crude unit in a typical refinery could be designed to minimize multi-media environmental releases while still efficiently performing the traditional functions of a crude unit. This report presents the findings of the study. The report is intended to serve as a reference for refinery designers during the preliminary design phase of building a new crude unit or revamping an existing crude unit. A generic methodology for conducting pollution prevention studies on process units was developed and was then applied to the refinery crude unit (refer to Section 4).
1.2 Limitations of Study Results
Numerous pollution prevention concepts have been evaluated and reported in this study, but no optimum or “best” design is implied. This study was as comprehensive as time allowed, but doubtlessly there are other pollution prevention measures that have potential application to crude units. Each refiner will need to make an assessment of his refinery’s requirements and then consider the ideas that best suit those needs. Corporate planning, engineering, regulatory, and operations personnel will be able to use the ideas and techniques reported in this study as an initial step toward a more thorough case-by-case evaluation of pollution prevention for the crude units at individual refineries.
1.4 Pollution
Prevention Ideas for Revamp of Conventional Crude Unit For the revamp of an existing conventional crude unit (Case 2), the following pollution prevention ideas may be considered and are reported in Section 7: Apply pinch analysis to the crude preheat train heat integration. Increase crude preheat temperature and minimize heat losses to air and cooling water. Keep equipment and piping relocation to a manageable minimum. e Reboil the atmospheric column sidestrippers (except for high boiling point Atmospheric Gas Oil) with heat transfer oil rather than by steam stripping. Install two new sidestrippers and modify one existing sidesiripper. e Lower vacuum column flash zone pressure from 35 to 20 mmHgabs. Use liquid ring vacuum pump in place of the third stage steam jet ejector on the vacuum tower overhead. Add parallel ejectors to the first and second stages.

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