API Publ 2026:1998(R2006) pdf download

12-15-2022 comment

API Publ 2026:1998(R2006) pdf download.Safe Access/Egress Involving Floating Roofs of Storage Tanks in Petroleum Service
3 Definition of Terms
Terms that are used in this publication are defined in 3.1 through 3.17. 3.1 air-supplied respiratory protection: A respirator that provides a supply of safe breathing air from a tank (either a self-contained breathing apparatus portable tank or an air line supply tank) or from an uncontaminated fresh air supply source located outside of the work area. 3.2 cold work: Work activity that does not produce heat, sparks or other forms of energy sufficient to provide an ignition source if a vapor air mixture in the flammable range is present. 3.3 confined space (as defined by OSHA): A space that (a) is large enough and so configured that a worker can bodily enter and perform assigned work, (b) has limited or restricted means of entry or exit, and (c) is not designed for continuous occupancy by workers. a. Permit-required confined space, as defined by OSHA, is a space which meets the confined space requirements and also has one or more of the following characteristics: (1) contains or has the potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere, (2) contains a material with the potential to engulf an entrant, (3) has an internal configuration such that an entrant could become trapped or asphyxiated, or (4) contains any other rec- ognized serious safety or health hazard(s). b. Permit-required confined space program (Permit Space Program) is the facility’s (employer’s) overall program for controlling and regulating entry into permit-required confined spaces and, where appropriate, protecting employees from permit space hazards. c. Non-permit confined space means a confined space that does not contain or, with respect to atmospheric hazards, have the potential to contain any hazard capable of causing death or serious physical harm. 3.4 entry: Any work activity involving entry onto a float- ing roof. Entry occurs as soon as any part of an entrant’s body goes past the top of the tank preparatory to descent upon the floating roof. a. Attendant is a trained and qualified person stationed out- side a permit-required confined space to monitor the entrants and perform attendant duties in accordance with the facility’s Permit Space Program. b. Entrant is a person who is trained, qualified, and autho- rized to enter permit-required confined spaces. c. Entry supervisor is a person who by training and experi- ence is qualified and authorized to allow entry for work in permit-required and non-permit-required confined spaces and who is familiar with the tasks to be performed, the potential hazards that may be encountered in the confined space, the safety and health requirements for work in the confined space and the facility’s Permit Space Program . Designated Entry Supervisors are responsible to determine that acceptable per- mit-required confined space entry conditions are present and met; to authorize entry into permit and non-permit-required confined spaces; to assign or act as required testers, entrants, attendants and rescuers ; to oversee entry operations; and to terminate entry as required.

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