API Publ 1638:1994 pdf download

12-16-2022 comment

API Publ 1638:1994 pdf download.Waste Management Practices for Petroleum Marketing Facilities
1.1 Purpose and Scope
Petroleum marketing facilities are subject to increasingly complex and restrictive requirements governing waste management. Regulations at the federal, state, and local level mandate strict control over the handling, treatment, and disposal of waste generated from marketing facilities. This situation can lead to confusion about which waste manage- ment practices are acceptable and which should be discon- tinued. This document provides specific guidance for managing typical waste streams at petroleum marketing facilities. The waste management options discussed in this document reflect currently acceptable industry practices and are based upon information gathered from representative API member facilities and compliance with applicable environmental regulations. Additional complimentary discussions of marketing waste minimization practices are presented in Chapter 5 of API Publication 302.
1.2 Organization
This introductory section provides readers with a summary of federal environmental regulations that oblige facilities to utilize sound waste management practices. State and local regulations may be more restrictive and impose additional requirements on some facilities. This section also introduces readers to the concept of the waste management hierarchy and the benefits of pollution prevention. Following this introduction are two additional sections. Section 2 identifies the types of petroleum marketing facili- ties covered by this document. Section 3 identifies typical waste streams generated at each type of facility covered and discusses waste management options on a waste stream- specific basis. Finally, Appendixes A, B, and C contain guid- ance on implementing a facility waste management program that is based on continuous environmental improvement and pollution prevention.
1.3 Regulatory Driving Forces
Every petroleum marketing facility covered by this guid- ance document is directly or indirectly impacted by the ever- growing number of local, state, and federal environmental requirements. Operators should keep current on the regula- tions that impact their facility. These regulations represent a growing force in encouraging pollution prevention and waste minimization. Some regulations encourage waste minimiza- tion directly, while others do so indirectly by limiting the range of disposal options that are available to facility opera- tors. The following summaries of regulations are intended to provide information highlighting waste management requirements. It is suggested that the reader consult with legal counsel before undertaking activities which may be imposed by these regulations.

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