API MF 5U03:1993 pdf download

12-16-2022 comment

API MF 5U03:1993 pdf download.Model Form of Statutory Unit Agreement
3.1 Oil and Gas Rights Unitized. All Oil and Gas Rights of Royalty Owners in and to the lands described in“Exhibit B”, and all 0il and Gas Rights of Working Interest Owners in and to said lands, are hereby unitized insofar as the respective Oil and Gas Rights pertain to the Unitized Formation, so that Unit Operations may be conducted with respect to the Unitized Formation as if the Unit Area had been included in a single lease executed by all Royalty Owners, as lessors, in favor of all Working Interest Owners, as lessees, and as if the lease contained all of the provisions of this Agreement.
3.2 Personal Property E cepted. All lease and well equipment, materials, and other facili- ties heretofore or hereafter placed by any of the Working Interest Owners on the lands covered hereby shall be deemed to be and shall remain personal property belonging to and may be removed by Working Interest Owners. The rights and interests therein, as among Working Interest Own- ers, are set forth in the Unit Operating Agreement.
3.3 Amendment ofLeases and Other Agreements. The provisions of the various leases, agreements, division and transfer orders, or other instruments pertaining to the respective Tracts or the production therefrom are amended t the extent necessary to make them conform to the provisions of this Agreement, but otherwise shall remain in full force and effect. Royalty Owners agree that any default, forfeiture, or penalty proviaion in any such oil and gas lease or other contract sball be suspended and of no force or effect during the term of this Agreement.
6.2 Distribution Within Tracts. The Unitized Substances allocated to each Tract shall be distributed among, or accounted for to, the Parties entitled to sbare in the production from such Tract in the same manner, in the same proportions, and upon the same conditions as they would have participated and shared in the production from such Tract, or in the proceeds thereof, had this Agreement not been entered into, and with the same legal effect. If any Oil and Gas Rights in a Tract hereafter become divided and owned in severalty as切o different parts of the Tract, the owners of the divided interests, in the absence of an agreement providing for a different division, shall share in the Unitized Substances allocated to the Tract, or in the proceeds thereof, in proportion to the surface acreage of their respective parts of the Tract. Any royalty or other payment which depends upon per well production or pipeline runs from a well or wells on a Tract shall, after the Effective Date, be determined by dividing the Unitized Substances allocated to the Tract by the number of wells on the Tract capable of producing Unitized Substances on the Effective Date; however, if any Tract has no well thereon capable of producing Unitized Substances on the Effective Date, the Tract shall, for the purpose of this determination, be deemed to have one (1) guch well thereon.

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