ANSI Z124.3-2005 pdf download

01-29-2023 comment

ANSI Z124.3-2005 pdf download American National Standard for Plastic Lavatories
2.1.3 Supporting structure.
The material of supporting structure integral with the unit and its attachment shall be ade- quate to meet the performance requirements of this standard.
2.1.4 Overflows.
The use of overflow in or on a lava- tory unit(s) is optional. The location and size of the over- flow shall be at the discretion of the individual manufacturer.
2.2 Dimensional tolerances. The finished trim dimension- al tolerances shall be the manufacturer’s stated dimensional tolerances. Common faucet and drain dimensions are described in the “Lavatories” section of ASME A112.19.2 or ASME A112.19.1M.
2.3 Units for testing. Units to be inspected and tested shall be taken from finished goods inventory.
2.4 Installation instructions. Each unit shall be supplied with a copy of the manufacturer’s written installation instructions, unless intended to be installed by the manufac- turer.
2.5 Care and maintenance instructions. Each unit shall be supplied with a copy of the manufacturer’s written care and maintenance instructions affixed to the unit in a conspicuous location and shall state, “To be removed for use by the occupant.” 2.6 Identification. Manufacturer’s name or trademark, or both, shall be permanently and legibly marked on the unit so as to be visible after installation (normally the frontunderside of the bowl).
3. Workmanship and finish
3.1 Unit preparation. 1 The unit shall be washed with a standard liquid detergent 2 and water solution, rinsed with clear water, and dried 3 prior to the application of ink and standard dirt as specified in 3.3.1 and 3.4.1.
3.2 Method of inspection of unit surface. The surface of the unit shall be inspected visually for defects and blemish- es from a distance of between 305 and 610 mm (1 and 2 ft.) after being inked or soiled in accordance with the ink test (see 3.3.1) and the standard dirt test (see 3.4.1). The light source shall be equivalent to an illumination intensity near the surface to be inspected of 1615 ± 540 lx (150 ± 50 foot- candles).
3.3 Surface test
3.3.1 Test method. Rub the entire finished surface of the unit with a sponge and a 50% solution of tap water and water soluble black or blue-black ink after the unit has been washed and dried as described in 3.1. When inspecting colored units, a contrasting-colored ink shall be used. The ink shall be rinsed from the surface which shall then be dried before inspecting.
3.3.2 Performance requirements. The units shall be free from cracks, chipped areas and blisters. The number and size of molding and other defects or blemishes shall not exceed those given in Table 1. Such defects shall be determined by inspection as specified in 3.2 after surface conditioning and application of ink as specified in 3.3.1.
3.4 Subsurface test
3.4.1 Any finish surfaces which demonstrates visual surface irregularities or distortions or which fail the surface test as outlined in 3.3 shall be subjected to the standard dirt test as outlined in 3.4.2.
3.4.2 Test method. One area of the unit, of approximately 0.01 m 2 (16 sq. in.) inside the bowl in the normal, functional area, shall be conditioned by rubbing for 25 cycles with normal hand pressure using a 600 grit wet sili- cone carbide abrasive paper

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