ANSI SCTE68-2008 pdf download Drop Passives: Matching Transformers 75Ωto 300Ω
The purpose of this document is to specify recommended mechanical and electricalstandards for broadband radio frequency (RF) devices whose primary purpose is to provideimpedance and connector match between 759 coaxial type F and 3002 twin-lead openscrew connectorized devices.The most common use for such devices is matching coaxialinput cables from distribution systems to 30092 balanced screw antenna terminals on indoorreceivers.
The specification is not intended to limit or restrict any manufacturer’s innovation andimprovement, The specification may be amended in the future as deemed appropriate
2.1RF Ports
2.1.1All coaxial RF ports shall be type F. Female ports shall conform to therequirements of ANSI/SCTE 01 2006 while male ports shall conform to therequirements of ANSISCTE 123 2006.
2.1.230092 ports shall either consist of a pair of screw terminals or a short length oftwin-lead cable terminated in a pair of spade lugs.
No labeling is required for either input or output port.
3.1Bandwidth. All devices shall be designed to operate over a bandwidth of at least 5 to1002 MHz.
32Pass-band Response. The pass-band response of two devices connected back-to-backvia their 3002 ports, and measured from one 7592 port to the other 752port shall notexceed +1.0 dB relative to the slope loss of the device as measured and defined inANSI/SCTE 144 2007.
33Insertion Loss. The insertion loss of two devices connected back-to-back as describedin Section 3.2 shall not exceed the values specified in the following table. Allmeasurements shall be made using the methods specified in ANSI/SCTE 144 2007:
ANSI SCTE68-2008 pdf download
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