ANSI INCITS TR-37-2004 pdf download INCITS Technical Report for Information Technology – Time-Limited Commands (TLC)
1 Scope
1.1 Assumptions This feature set is optional for devices not implementing the PACKET Command feature set and is prohibited for devices implementing the PACKET Command feature set.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions that, through reference in the text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards listed below. Copies of the following documents can be obtained from ANSI: Approved ANSI standards, approved and draft international and regional standards (ISO, IEC, CEN/CENELEC, ITUT), and approved and draft foreign standards (including BSI, JIS, and DIN). For further information, contact ANSI Customer Service Department at 212-642-4900 (phone), 212-302-1286 (fax), or via the World Wide Web at
Additional availability contact information is provided below as needed.
2.1 Approved references
2.2 References under development
AT Attachment with Packet Interface Extension (ATA/ATAPI-7), [BSR INCITS 397].
2.3 Other references
3 Definitions, abbreviations, and conventions
3.1 Definitions and abbreviations
For the purposes of this technical report, the following definitions apply:
3.1.1 AbortMode
In this mode, if a stream error occurs, the device shall immediately abort the current command, even aborting any data transfer currently in process.
3.1.2 CCTL
Command Completion Time Limit is the time limit (set via SET FEATURES) that the TLC feature set uses.
3.1.3 Command Timer
The Command Timer is a timer that begins running on receipt of the first qualified READ or WRITE command after the timer is ‘armed’ (see below), and continues until completion of a FLUSH CACHE or FLUSH CACHE EXT command. While the timer is running, the host may send any number (or type) of commands to the device. These commands may be qualified TLC commands or any other commands.
ANSI INCITS TR-37-2004 pdf download
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