ANSI INCITS-295-1996 pdf download Information Technology – Serial Storage Architecture – Transport Layer 1 (SSA-TL1)
4 Conventions
Certain words and terms used in this standard have a specific meaning beyond the normal English meaning. These words and terms are defined either in the glossary or in the text where they first appear. Lower case is used for words having the normal English meaning.
Fields containing only one blt are usually reterred to as the “named” bit instead of the “narmed” field.
When a bit is set its value is 1. When a bit is cleared, its value is 0.
Numbers that are not immediately followed by lower-case “b” or “h’ are decimal values.
Numbers immediately followed by lower-case “b” (xxb) are binary values.
Numbers immediately fllowed by lower-case “h” (xxh) are hexadecimal values.
Decimal numbers are indicated with a comma( e.g, two and one half is represented as “2,5”). Decimal numbers having a value exceeding 999 are represented with a space (e.g, 24 255).
The bit ordering within a byte used in SSA-TL1 is ilustrated in table 1.
The bits in an encoded character are designated abcdeifghj Bit a is transmitted on the line first and the other bits follow in the order shown.
Resenved bits, fields, bytes, and code values are set aside for future standardization. Their use and interpretation may be specified by future extensions to this standard. A reserved bit, field, or byte shall be set to zero, or in accordance with a future extension of this standard. Reserved bits, fields, bytes or reserved field values shall be ignored when cut-through routing a frame. A destination node that receives a reserved field value in the FRAME TYPE or RESET TYPE fields of the CONTROL field of a frame shall generate a FRAME REJECT ERROR as defined In
A destinatlon node that received an SMS with a reserved bit, field, or byte that is not zero, or receives a reserved code value shall respond as defined in 10.2.7. lgnored bits, fields, or bytes shall be ignored by the receiving node. Any value shall be considered valid. SMS names are shown as all capltal letters, such as QUERY NODE SMS. Field names are shown as small capital letters, such as the FRAME TYPE field. Field values are shown as all capital letters, such as the FRAME TYPE field APPLICATION FRAME value. Variable names are in italics, such as N. The byte ordering convention is Big Endian (i.e.. the most significant byte of a number is sent frst. SSA-PH is used to refer to either SSA-PH1 or SSA-PH2. SSA-TL is used to refer to either SSA-TL1 or SSA-TL2.
ANSI INCITS-295-1996 pdf download
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