ANSI ASSE A10.8-2001 pdf download ANSI/ASSE A10.8-2001 Safety Requirements for Scaffolding—American National Standard for Construction and Demolition Operations
3.8 body harness, full: Straps that are secured about an employee in a manner that dis- tributes the arresting forces over at least the thighs, shoulders, and pelvis with provisions for attaching a lanyard, lfeline, or deceleration device.
3.9 brace: A device that holds one scaffold member in a fixed position with respect to another member.
3.10 bracket form scaffold: A wood or metal bracket that is attached to a wall form, and upon which scaffold planks rest, for the purpose of pro- viding an elevated working unit for those engaged in erecting the wall form or placing concrete.
3.11 bricklayers’ square scaffold: A scaffold composed of framed wood squares that support a unit and that is limited to light and medium duty.
3.12 building face roller: A guide roller designed to contact a portion of the outer face or wall structure of the building (also known as a roller bumper).
3.13 carpenters’ bracket scaffold: A scaffold consisting of wood or metal brackets supporting a platform.
3.14 catenary scaffold: A platform unit carried on two horizontal and parallel wire ropes secured to structural members or the equivalent.
3.15 competent person: One who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions that are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has the authority to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate such hazards.
3.16 control: A system governing starting, stopping, direction, acceleration, speed, and retar- dation of moving members.
3.17 coupler: A device for clamping together component parts of tube and coupler scaffold. 3.18 crossbraces: Two diagonal scaffold members joined at their center to form an“X,” used between frames or uprights, or both.
3.19 design load: The maximum intended load; that is, the total of all loads including the worker(s), material, and the equipment placed on the unit.
3.20 double pole scaffold: A scaffold sup- ported from the base by a double row of posts. This scaffold is independent of support from the walls and is constructed of posts, runners, hori-
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