1 .1 Purpose: This specification provides the aerospace industry with a standardization of machine toolholder nose configurations. The requirements contained herein are intended to provide a high degree of toolholder interchangeability between cutting tools.
1 .2 Scope: This standard includes toolholder nose design parameters, pertinent geometries and a glossary of terms. This nose configuration with applicable drive system is referred to as a toolholder basic.
1 .3 Revision and Amendment: As warranted, the scope and related portions of this specification may be expanded to provide additional tool holder—basic series.
2.1 Functional Precepts: All toolholders-basic will embrace the following functional precepts unless reflected as optional.
2.1 .1 Division into classifications for definition of differences such as size and accuracy.
2.1 .2 Overhang of the toolholder basic shall be held to a practical minimum.
2.1 .3 Provision for positive cutter retention.
Section Subject Sheet
1 .0 Purpose and Scope 1
2.0 Precepts and Requirements 1
3.0 Index 1
4.0 Glossary of Terms 2
5.0 Toolholder – Nose Configuration Numbering System 3
6.0 General Notes 3
7.0 Applicable Specifications 4
8.0 Toolholder – Nose Configurations – Type 1 A 4
9.0 Toolholder – Nose Configurations – Types 2A and 3A 8
1 0.0 Toolholder – Nose Configurations – Types 1W 9
1 1 .0 Toolholder – Nose Configurations – Types 2W and 3W 1 3
1 2.0 Jam Plug Fabrication and Jam Screw Location Details 1 4
1 3.0 Cutter Pre-Set Dimensional Data 1 5
1 4.0 Cutter Pre-Set Procedure and Set Screw Torque Data 1 6
1 5.0 Toolholder – Nose Configurations – Type 1 P 1 7
1 6.0 Hexagon Socket Setscrew Dimensions for End Mill Holders (Weldon Shank Type End Mill)
4.0 GLOSSARY OF TERMS Terms relevant to this specification and the application of same areas follows:
4.1 Spindle: A component assembly of the machine tool, the function of which is to accept the “Tool Holder— Basic”, locate, center, retain and drive it.
4.2 Tool Holder—Basic: The unit that fits directly into the “Spindle” of the machine and holds the “Tool.”
4.3 Tool: A device retained by the “Tool Holder—Basic” and contacts the workpiece for the purpose of material removal.
4.4 Tool Set—up: Describes a combination of a “tool” and “toolholder-basic” to form a fixed unit to achieve the desired tool to “spindle” relationship.
4.5 Tool Preset: The capability to assemble and fix the “Tool Set-Up” off-line to pre-established length requirements.
4.6 SHANK: That projecting portion of an end mill which locates and drives the end mill.
4.7 Flute Length: As applied to end mills, the effective axial length of cutting edge (not including the cutter sweep).
4.8 Total Indicator Variation (TIV): The total amount of deviation from a true reading.
4.9 Jam Screw: A secondary setscrew normal to end mill setscrew which, when tightened, will prevent loosening of the end mill set screw.
4.1 0 Set Screw: A screw which retains an end mill in the toolholder basic.
4.1 1 Jam Plug: A soft brass plug installed between the jam screw and the end mill setscrew to prevent damage to the end mill setscrew when the jam screw is tightened.
4.1 2 Gage Line/Plane: The plane in which the gage diameter of the taper is defined (reference ANSI B5.1 8) or the basic reference plane from which axial dimensions of the nose are established.
4.1 3 Runout: Measured in TIV, indicated acceptable tolerances.
4.1 4 Chamfer: A beveled surface to eliminate an otherwise sharp corner.
4.1 5 Axial Screw: An axially located screw in a toolholder-basic used to position an end mill having an angular flat type shank.
AIA/NAS 987-2013 pdf download
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