This specification establishes the acceptance criteria for Metallurgical Properties of externally threaded fastenersused in airborne systems and in associated ground support systems. These fasteners are generally considered asbeing aerospace quality fasteners. This specification is only applicable to fasteners which require roled externalthreads and forged heads.
Recommendations for changes of this specification should be directed to an NASC representative of an AlAMember Company or to the Executive Secretary of the National Aerospace Standards Committee.
Unless otherwise specified herein, referenced documents shall be the issue in effect on date of manufacture.However, existing material inventory certified to a previous revision of the applicable material specification(s) isacceptable for use until depletion. ln case of conflict, this standard takes precedence over documents referencedherein.
SAE International
Inspection Material, Penetrant
Copies can be obtained from SAE lnternational, 400 Commonwealth Dr., Warrendale, PA 15096-0001. www.sae.ora
Standard Guide for Preparation of Metallographic Specimens
Standard Test Method for Determining Average Grain Size
Standard Test Method for Macroetching Metals & Alloys
Standard Test Practice for Microetching Metals & Alloys
Standard Practice for Liquid Penetrant Testing
ASTM E1444/E1444MStandard Practice for Magnetic Particle Testing
ASTM E1447
Standard Test Method for Determination of Hydrogen in Titanium and Titanium Alloysoy Inert Gas Fusion Thermal Conductivity/lnfrared Detection Method.
Aerospace Industries Association
NASM1 31 2-6 Fastener Test Methods, Method 6, Hardness
Copies can be obtained from the Aerospace Industries Association, 1 000 Wilson Blvd., Suite 1 700, Arlington, VA 22209.
Specimens shall be sectioned from finished parts as shown in Figure 1 , prepared in accordance with ASTM E3, and etched in accordance with ASTM E340 or ASTM E407 and examined per applicable test. Samples used for examination of discontinuities may be used as part or all of the samples for examination of other metallurgical examinations listed in Table I.
TEST Unless otherwise specified, the acceptance criteria for discontinuities shall be in accordance with the limits specified in Table II, Figure 2 and Figure 3. Indications in themselves shall not be cause for rejection. Cracks, regardless of location are cause for rejection.
Alloy Steel: Magnetic particle inspection by longitudinal and circular methods per ASTM E1444/E1 444M. For plated parts, magnetic particle inspect after plating.
Nonmagnetic Materials: Penetrant inspect per ASTM E1 41 7/E1 41 7M, Type I, Method B or D. Penetrant materials shall be per AMS2644, sensitivity level 2 or greater. Inspect subsequent to thread rolling and fillet rolling but prior to surface treatments such as abrasive cleaning, coating or lubrication, which may mask surface defects. Perform inspection prior to plating or with plating removed.
AIA/NAS 4007-2012 pdf download
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