1.0 SCOPE: This standard provides a method for the packaging of electrical cable-cord-wire in coils or on spools or reels.
2.1 General Packaging Standard NAS850 3.0 REQUIREMENTS
3.1 General
3.1 .1 Requirements of General Packaging Standard NAS850 are part of this standard except as noted herein.
3.1 .2 Preservatives shall not be applied to any item.
3.1 .3 Only one continuous cable, cord or wire (size, type, class, etc.) shall be contained in/on any one coil, spool or reel-type package or reel. Items shall be coiled in successive turns or layers in uniform, compact configuration on spools, spool or reel-type packages, reels or coiled within a suitable container. The diameter of the coils shall not be less than 1 4 times the diameter of the item for non-flexing service types and not less than 1 0 times the diameter of the item for other types unless otherwise specified on the purchase order or contract. EXCEPTIONS: Semi-rigid co-axial cable having solid metal jacket shall have a minimum diameter coil of 36 inches.
3.1 .4 When coils are used, retain configuration by one or more of the following methods: Blocking, bracing, cushioning, affixing core spool or by tying, taping or strapping at three places equally spaced around the circumference of the coil. Steel strapping shall not be used.
3.1 .5 All types of cable, cord and wire (except lead-sheathed cable, varnished and bare copper wire, and non- wicking type wire) shall have each end sealed and secured to prevent unwinding or entry of moisture. Acceptable methods of sealing in preferential order are: a. Dip the ends to a minimum of a two inch depth in non-residue, hot dipping, strippable plastic coating compound. b. Wrap the ends with waterproof pressure sensitive adhesive tape applied over the end and extending back from the end four inches. On semi-rigid co-axial cables plastic cap plugs are acceptable.
3.1 .6 Lead-sheathed cable shall have the sheath extended over the core and closed for a tight seal.
3.1 .7 Varnished and bare copper wire and non-wicking type wire shall not have the ends sealed. 3.1 .8 Cable, cord and wire ends shall be secured within the interface of the spools or reels, or conform to the configuration of the coils by taping or tying.
3.1 .9 The flanges of any spool/reel shall extend beyond the coiled cable, cord or wire.
3.2 Unit Packaging
3.2.1 The quantity per unit package shall be as follows unless otherwise specified by the procurement document: One (1 ) each length, type, or size
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